Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Gifts from Janeeeee~~

These are presents from Jane, all the way from Nihon (日本 Japan).

Love the magnets! The sushi, har gao (prawn dumplings) and cake look so deliciously real that I almost swallow them! haha... Thanks Janeeee~~ You are the BEST! :)

The beautifully wrapped boxes are cookies Jane purchased in Tokyo. *好幸福* [I can actually taste Japan without going to Japan!] According to her, all the Japanese shops gift-wrap everything you buy. 好细心哦。These cookies are so nicely wrapped that I can't bring myself to unwrap them!! *不忍心* Wanna know the content? (I wanna know too!) Have to wait til I'm done with admiring their beauties ^^

close up of my magnets


Jane Jane said...

of the best!!! haha...yeah, i love those stuff glad tat im going bek there again next week ^^ yay yay..lucky u

Jennifer Kho said...

And I'm the bestest of the best :P

I'm happy for u. it's cherry blossom season now!! buy me more presents ;p

Anonymous said...

at last i can drop a comment... u hate me is it jenn? lately i have difficulties leaving comment oh!...therefore, u must compensate me...i want that magnet!!! ha ha ha!

hey jane, you give the magnet to the wrong person already, i am the one with the nick name 'owl'.hee hee...

Jennifer Kho said...

Who can hate adorable lj? *不忍心* i missed you so so much!

Think i better remove the password thingie. it's annoying i know ;p

haha, jane, lj is giving u a BIG hint worrr.. you knw what to do in your next trip to Japan?

Anonymous said...

WAH! So nice! Do i get some of the gifts oso??? Hehe.

Anonymous said...

Yes. But for your eyes only hiak hiak hiak...