Sunday, April 13, 2008

Back to Nature

I'm so excited! After months of consideration, Jenn has finally granted boss' approval to take leave! ^^ Yayeee... I'm going to Vietnam this coming June V(^V^)V

This time, I'm not going on a vacation right after my exam. That means two things - no stressing out over luggage-packing instead of my studies liao. No bringing a face full of break-outs to overseas liao 不需丢脸丢到外国去了 :p

This trip is not going to be as easy-breezy and luxurious as my previous Beijing trip. As we are only spending short 8 days in Hanoi, every minute every second will be very precious. When I told Jane about our itinerary, she said "wah, sounds like a hardship camp leh" haha... Hardship? Yalor, compared to our Bj trip, this one does sound very tiring but isn't that more suitable and interesting to young and energetic ppl like me? hehe...

3 days in Hanoi - just get lost in the city....

2 days of cruising, swimming & kayaking in HalongBay

3 days of mountain & jungle trekking in Sapa.
Getting to Sapa isn't easy. Need to sleep on choo choo train for 10 hours to get there. Oo, it will be a good experience! Need to trek 7 hours as soon as we arrive at 7am to villages. What's more interesting, we will be home-staying with a local family. We will trek another 6 hours to a different village on the next day and 4 hours on our final day in Sapa. Then it's 10 hours of train ride back to Hanoi. Have I lost anybody so far? haha...

Compared to Jane's VIP business trips, mine does sound a bit torturing but I kinda like it that way. It will be fun to mingle with the local people and also ppl from around the world... Sapa is a untouched place full of many different ethnic minorities & beautiful scenery. All I need to make sure is that I've enough SD cards to take postcard-like pictures :) Feel like packing my bags and going this instant! haha... But before that, I better make sure I have good stamina (& $$) to do what I hope to do :)

And I want to eat authentic Vietnamese Beef Noodles too but minus the beef as I don't eat beef ;p

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

-Howard Thurman-


Jane Jane said...

i admit, i'm already lost in your trip eventhough im not going :p tat does sound tiring to me but im sure it will be a good experience ^^ the pictures look very nice arrrr....the beef noodle soup looks more on my behalf..hehehehe

Alicia said...

hey... when are you going?// i m planning to go there too... but found your trip is interesting especially the SAPA.... how much budget???/ wooooooooo.. is the photo in mist a true SAPA??? if so... wow..i want to go also....

Tracy said...

Jennifer, finally you decide to move on with you holiday plan... heheh.. you really the richest among us... unlimited $ and unlimited leave.... wherre is SAPA... the picture look like 仙景.

Jennifer Kho said...

Haha Jane, it's time you work on your stamina :P I will definitely eat a lot. Or else, I won't have the energy to make it back home ;p

Haha Tracy, you over-estimate my financial status. My trip 'belongs' to the bank at the moment ;)

Yeah, isn't Sapa beautiful? That's why I am willing to torture myself. Must see its beauty with my own eyes then 死而无憾 ;) Wanna go with me? 来啦来啦。。。

Alicia said...

how much the total trip???? can't go just like that.. when are you going leh????

Tracy said...

just now i read again about your blog again about the jungle trekking in Sapa... you need to walk 7 + 6 + 4 = 17 hours.. wah... very long journey .. i think if you can go there sure no problem with the KK mountain... wanna to go with you.. but i don't have long leave like you leh.... how???

Jennifer Kho said...

Am utilising the Gawai holiday. So, only need to take 3 days off :)

Alicia, what's your budget?

Wah, 17 hours of trekking? Tracy, I didn't realise until you mentioned it!! I will do anything for that kind of scenery! ;p Better bring a box of Yoko Yoko with me haha...

Tracy said...

i guess that you will utilise your Gawai Holiday.. but i need to close my account on the 1st week of the month.. :( much is the total trip?

Anonymous said...
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Alicia said... you know who is this F&$^#@ing idiot??? why posting such nonsense comment??? Jane's one also...

ya lor.. u go on Gawai... I need to work on 31st and 1st ler... sigh... i dun what is budget... 1k-2k enuf?

Jennifer Kho said...

oh dear, you guys won't be able to go with me then. The total estimated cost is about 2k. We didn't manage to grab cheap fares, otherwise, it could be cheaper! :(