Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Kissing Goodbyeeeeeeee

I hate goodbyes. It's so hard, especially when we have spent so many years together! I have never shown my appreciation after all you've done for me. Sigh, we humans tend to take things for granted until we lose them. No wonder there are so many words of wisdom from the wise ones who have gone through the 'regret phrase', to urge others to cherish while we still can. Sadly, many learn the real meaning only when it's too late.....

I feel sad now because today is the last day we see each other :'( For all the years we have been together, you have never failed me. You stand by me whenever I need you. Even at times when I am in a bad mood and abuse you, still you do not walk away from me. Not even a word of complaints from you! You are still there for me even when you are sick and weak.

You are always there to make sure that I am well taken care of and that I safely arrive at my destinations. You scare off those who try to bully me.
Sigh, the thought of being without you depresses me :( My life is more meaningful and easier with you around. I will definitely miss your distinctive look and skin colour. Everytime family, friends and even strangers see you, they know I'm with you. With you gone, I will no longer be as well-known....

Purple Dino, thanks for your companionship. I will miss you greatly :'( *sob sob* You will always have a special place in my heart.....

"The best things said come last. People will talk for hours saying nothing much and then linger at the door with words that come with a rush from the heart. "

~Alan Alda~


Alicia said...

This purple dino..yes... my good friend also whenever i m in Kuching... is the only companion 任劳任怨 to serve me.... what happen?? where is she going?// new one to be replaced???? wooo haaaa...旧的不去,新的不来...别难过啦

Tracy said...

I will miss the purple dino too!!!!

Jane Jane said...

yeah...i felt so depressed too~~~sigh...i love how powerful it makes me feel and how powerful it many 1st day at work was w the Dino, my last day at work also wi the Dino..dino dino...i will miss you alot :'(

Anonymous said...

NOoooooo!!!!! why u abadone Bunny? he's so gorgeous n outstanding n eye catching! the one n only in Kuching! *sob sob* poor bunny...lets gave him a moment *silent*

Jennifer Kho said...

My Purple Dino is so Masculine, doesn't look a bit like Bunny leh... lj, you need to get ur eyesight checked liao lar! haha...

I feel powerless now that I don't have Purple Dino. How I miss her :( Cannot bully, errr, teach small car drivers lessons liao... :'(

Alicia, Purple Dino is going to a far away placeeee.. dunno if i will ever see her again *sigh*

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