Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Gifts from Janeeeee - REVEALED

Sakura and Mt Fuji

Would be perfect if I could enjoy these snacks under the cherry blossoms....


Anonymous said...

Eeee...how come i can't leave comment on 'seeing is believing' but here ok? strange~

never mind about the cockcroach lah jenn! u know dry cockcroaches are one of Chinese medicine? called 'dragon whiskle' somemore! so u just think u r taking 'supplement' while eating those papadom. wahaha!

walao~ no wonder jane luggage so heavy! 90% consist of food!

Tracy said...

Jennifer, can share with me or not.. i think you can't eat all the food lah... i help you to reduce some of your fat... ehheeheh

Alicia said...

I am having too much fat.. so I m willing to look at you eating.. absorb the fat for me hahahahahahaha

Jennifer Kho said...

Oooo i see. lj, what's cockroach good for? improve 'sneakiness'? haha... this is just 10% of jane's total food. she still has a lot more in HK! *envious*

Tracy, u better fly here to eat coz these stuff don't last long. wui, it's not because i finish all but because they don't contain preservatives lah haha

Alicia, that's a clever move. but that means u will never find out how good the snacks are worrr...

Jane Jane said...

i wanna eat also ler...i bot the stuff but i didnt try any of them..oh, mayb the piggie sakura and green tea ones but not the ones on both sides :(