Sunday, May 4, 2008

It's WAR Time!

A war has been declared! The quiet one has finally spoken and decided to show the active one who the big boss is! Never underestimate what one can do, especially the quiet one....

It's a war between Hello Kitty! and Ultraman......... *?!?!?!*

Jane is right. She does spend a bit unwisely when she travels
alone. Their usefulness depends on how creative one is. Jane spent a few weeks in Taipei this January and bought some 'projectors' (dunno what the exact name is) there. Not sure what she was thinking at that time; Must have been attracted by the cute characters.

Point the device at a flat surface and at a touch of the button, a cartoon character will be projected onto the surface.

I have had these little projectors for months and haven't thought of what to do with them. I'm glad to announce that I've finally figured out what to do with them! I'm so creative, i know \(^@^)/ *proud*

I brought these with me to the movies last night (P/S: Iron Man is GOOD! Highly Recommended! It's not stupidly funny AND Robert Downey Jr is sOOoo handsome & sexy!). As soon as the lights in the theatre were off, I naugthily played with the device and projected a pinky Hello Kitty! onto the screen. It was hilarious! My friends and I couldn't stop laughing. Haha.... Then we made Hello Kitty! danced with the music.. Buahahaha... that was even funnier! Then it was Hello Kitty! fighting Ultraman. Not sure what other audience think but it was pretty entertaining for us haha...

sorry that the pic is a bit dark

I'm crazy I know. But life is boring without some fun! Everyone needs laughters! ^^

"Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects."
~Arnold Glasow~


Jane Jane said...

apalah..hahaha...finally put to use...i have already forgotten abt them..when i bot them, i just tot, gosh, they are cute...and mayb someday we will need it...there...u had so much fun w it ^^

Anonymous said...

wua ha ha! kudos to your creativity! that's the special edition Ironman u can't have anywhere else! should charge the cinema for the 'special effect' :p

that picture is not a bit dark, it's complete darkness ok!

Tracy said...

Jenn, you make me laugh like crazy... my mood is not good today... but after i read your blog... i feel so bad mood gone with the wind now...... we really need to create some fun for ourself.... :P

Jennifer Kho said...

hehe, soli soli LJ, i don't have high tech camera to take bright pic. just gotta let your imaginations run a bit wild here k?

Jane, luckily you have a very creative sister or else it's $$ going down the drain ;p

Tracy, we all need some craziness in life ^^ Why are u in bad mood? Smile smile....