Sunday, May 18, 2008

What a day....

When you don't get what you want, you blame life for treating you unfairly. But when you do, you start to suspect that something bad might happen. This is exactly how i felt last Friday. Weird I know but after being involved in a series of unfortunate events, i can't help being skeptical....

I got what I wanted without much effort that day... In Chinese, we describe this situation as 要风得风, 要雨的雨 (direct translation being 'want wind get wind, want rain get rain')...

I've been craving for a cup of nice hot chocolate (to me, it's the only genuine choc drink in Kch) and a piece of their signature cheesecake at Hilton for a long time. So I suggested to J that we go for dessert. Coincidently, that's exactly what J had in mind too!!

Then, my colleague came to ask me where to go for lunch. Before I'd the chance to express my opinions, he suggested to have lunch at my favourite Indian shop. Gosh, that's exactly what I had in mind too!! At that point, a funny thought popped up - would something bad happen to bring me down from heaven? I told Jane about it. She laughed that I think too much and too far.... Hope you are right, Jane.

After lunch, I headed towards the direction where my car was parked. I stopped half way, stood frozen and heart pumping fast. I could NOT find my car! Oh gosh! Don't tell me...... Oh Gosh Oh Gosh.....

My mind went blank for what it seemed like a million years. I kept looking around for my car! Oh man, this is too much too lose for 1 cup of hot chocolate and some Indian food! The punishment is too serious lah *Pray hard*

Then, it suddenly occurred to me that I no longer drive my Purple Dinasaur! My small new buddy was right there, next to a white van

*pai say*

Apart from the false alarm, the day ended well. In fact, it ended with lots of desserts - a cup of hot chocolate, Marble Cheesecake, followed by a Chocolate Truffle cake, Pandan Tiramisu and an McD apple pie at 4am on Saturday morning.

Rolled chocolate sticks to dip in hot milk... Heavenly....


Alicia said...

i miss the hot chocolate at Hilton... soooooooo yummmy.... Cheesecake????? drooling.... i want ler...

Jane Jane said...

so blur la...haha...luckily nothing bad happened but good things keep coming in :) cheers for such a great day and night \(^^)/

Anonymous said...

hey! that one n only drink i would order at the Senso, the fun of stirring it is more than drinking it.

ha ha! u really big head prawn! Barnie has been gone for so long already!

Anonymous said...

Alicia, you can make cheesecake yourself. I still think abt your cheesecake u know. It's very rich! *hint hint* U still owe me the recipe! I doubt that mine will be as good as yours

Yeah, lj, that's the ONLY drink i order in Hilton too. Such a loyal fan ;p

Purple Dino has been with us for more than 7 yrs oh... I miss my friend......

Jane must be happy that i'm gaining weight too.... ;p

Jane Jane said...

spot on jenn *Wink* *wink* otherwise how can we be twins?