Thursday, May 22, 2008

Heart Attack

My adventure to Hanoi will start next Friday...

I have been liaising with a Vietnamese travel agent since the day we bought our tickets. As the trip is happening in one week's time, I thought I better get assurance that our tours to Halong Bay and Sapa are really, truly, definitely confirmed.

Since I don't have the luxury to access Yahoo Messenger (YM) during work hour, I asked J to YM the Vietnamese guy. I was happy when J sent an email to tell me that they were now discussing about our tours online. Great!

I was worried that the Vietnamese travel agent might have forgotten about us because I haven't heard from him for more than 8 days. So you could imagine how relieved I was to know that J managed to catch him! :) Ahhh.... i can finally take the weight off my chest.... *la la la....*

Sadly, this peacefulness didn't last long. J's second email made me jumped out of my seat. WHY? I was told that the Vietnamese guy I've been communicated with all these weeks does not exist!!

How can that be?!!! We have been writing to each other like pen-pals and one week before our departure, he doesn't exist?!?!? Weird I thought because his replies were professionally written and he didn't sound like a con. What's more, someone has dealt with him in person before and recommended him to me! Man, this is too bizarre...

After some clarifications and investigations, I found out that my dear friend had talked to the WRONG guy from the WRONG agency! J, you really scared the shit out of me!!!! For a moment, I thought the person I've been liaising with all this while was a fraud!! Haha... funny how things get mixed up this way...

I managed to call Mr. Nguyen last night. He sounds friendly and speaks good English. Most importantly, he assured me that our bookings are already confirmed...

Man, pls don't play with my emotions anymore. I've a weak heart..........


Jane Jane said... J successfully succeeded the crown of BLUR queen..phew..luckily it was just a sure all of u will have fun in Vietnam and this blur incident will be the fond memory of all of u....u will smile when u think of it after ur trip :)

Anna Tan said...

hahaha u girls r so cute. but it is good that to give some big worried before going for a good vacation. :P kekeke.. I wanna join too....

Anonymous said...

u ever heard what 'same herd same xxx' something like that? wua ha ha! blur queen n her friends!

amoi! be alert when u gals are there oh, blur could be costly there. have fun!