Wednesday, July 30, 2014


星期日,我早上7點就起床了。好早,但也很興奮因為今天我們要去小鎮新堯灣 (Siniawan) 老街玩耍!


小鎮真的很小,只有兩排木製的店屋而已~ 一目了然,真的超簡單的。小時候我會想,這裡的人幸福嗎?每天他們都做什麼呀?那裡沒有戲院又沒有商場,感覺還挺悶的~ 長大後反而很珍惜這小鎮老街。反而覺得簡單就是幸福。哈哈,怎麼會這樣?有句話說得真的沒錯~ '小時候幸福很簡單,長大後簡單是幸福',真的耶!

言歸正題。星期天一早我開著車子帶著我媽和媽媽的好朋友們去小鎮老街~ 路上的風景好熟悉!小時候爸爸開車時我們會一路看風景。現在輪到我開著車子載著媽媽去玩耍。感覺我長大了但爸媽仍覺得我是小孩子~ 記得以前到處都是稻田和樹林。偶爾會有幾間小屋。現在很多樹林不見了,變成了房屋和工廠~ 可喜可忧~




约45分鐘後,我們終於抵達新堯灣小鎮啦!這裡每逢星期五至日都有夜市,但媽媽們不喜歡人擠人,所以我們決定白天來玩耍~ 雖然冷清了些但我反而很喜歡這種悠閒的feel~ 這才是我熟悉的小鎮!


小鎮還是一樣,仿佛搭了時光機回到以前。腦海裡的木製店屋還在但殘舊了許多。歲月在這裡留下了痕跡呀,但也因此增添了一種古色古香的味道。大概是新一代都已到市區工作的原因,有些店屋空著了。看著空著的老木店屋,心裡有一種其妙的feel~ 好像有些淒涼但好像又有些安寧~



這里風涼涼的。有山有水。有新鮮的肉菜。四周的人都講客家話讓我覺得很有親切感。這裡還有一家很好吃的麵包店。老闆曾在新加坡做了20年的麵包師傅,現在決定回來自己家鄉創業。他家的麵包種類很多,價格也不貴。重點是老闆說他早上3點起來做的,聽了真的很感動! 3點我還在作夢呢!最開心的是,我在這裡喝到很好喝的奶茶,還有很好吃的菜湯~ 和家人朋友邊看著山邊享用早餐真的一級棒!



Tuesday, July 22, 2014

It just rained!

It finally rained this evening after almost 3 weeks of draught! *dancing in the rain"

For the past weeks, I woke up sweating like crazy almost every night due to the heat~ and I showered 4-5 times a day which temporary cooled my body down, like 2 minutes after which I would sweat again T___T I can't even tell whether it was sweat or I didn't towel myself dry enough T_________T

Even Tiger was lazy~ he just lied down on the floor like a piece of tree trunk~ and when I called him for meals, he continued to pose like a Egyptian statute. 

Mum's pot plant died because I forgot to water it~ and the sky was hazy and the air smelled bad~ I felt like everything is turning ugly~ We need rain! Plsssss...

Our prayer is finally answered today! Rain God visited and cleansed the world! Yaye! Everything came alive after the rain! Even Tiger starts to jump around like  Tigger! Haha

     On my way home~ 

I didn't take this photo while driving~ was waiting at the traffic lights when I snapped this picture~ love the heavy rain!! 

       Beautiful crystal-clear droplet! 

Even the trees, flowers, grass in the garden were dancing with happiness in the rain!! 


I simply love rain~~~

Monday, July 14, 2014

creatively written

I did not watch a single match this World Cup. 
I think I've grown older. Sleep is more important to me :P

Before the semi-final, someone posted a 'prediction' poem on Facebook. 

My friends and I couldn't stop laughing when we came across it. The writer is really creative! Or should I say, the Chinese words are indeed incredible! I don't think you can write this in other languages while retaining the meaning!

Although I suck at Chinese but I'm glad that I know the basics. Can't imagine not being able to read Lo Fu Zi (老夫子),小叮当 and many others! haha...

Back to the prediction, looks like this poem hits bulleye! Germany WON! 


英格爛了,烏來歸了。 。 。



Whoever wrote this is a genius! haha~ 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

My Mum can really buy~

My mum flew all the way to Down Under to take care of my nieces as my sister went to Laos to do charity works. Mum is indeed the Greatest person on earth! She gives and loves unconditionally~ And she buys unconditionally too.....

Mum came home with check-in bags of 30kg. That wasn't enough. She still had to leave things behind. And she continued to shop when she was at KLIA2. Gotta salute mum for her ability to buy haha...

Assorted buns for breakfast and Lunch

The moment she reached home, she took out all the food and presents for me from her bags. it was quite impressive....

Cheese, bacon, ham, nuts, fruits, shirts....

Due to my poor photography skill, you probably can't see the little hill formed on the table. Some are hidden underneath the pile of stuff... it's really a lot! imagine all these going into my stomach? oo hoo, a hill will form in my stomach soon haha...

Mum brought back big lemons and mandarins from my sister's garden too. Love her lemons. They are always so huge and juicy! Just look at the size! The one on the left is taken from my sister's garden while the one on the right is from the local supermarket here. 

Spot the difference game
- Can u see the BIG difference?! haha..

Mum still remembers that i love to eat capsicums. she bought me two all the way from Aus. They are huge too! Look, it's almost as big as my big fat face!! Had one on the second day.. My colleague screamed when she saw me eating it because she has never seen a capsicum so big before AND  anyone eating it like an apple.... haha, ok, i admit that I do act a bit uniquely (or just simply lazy??) sometimes haha...

I must say, my mum always amazes me, just like how i amaze others with my eating habits and appetite haha...

Friday, July 4, 2014

Random photos

Before the digital and phone cameras era, we take pictures with care and usually only when necessary because developing "useless" pictures is a waste of money....

Time has changed. Everyone can take pictures anytime anywhere. All it costs is one or two seconds...  And what's more, everyone can share them with family and friends as well as strangers on the internet immediately. Nice right? We don't even have to meet up to catch up anymore~ :(

Anyway, it's not a bad thing to take pictures without special reasons. I do that too and now my phone is screaming for more space T___T  Did a big clean up and came across many pictures I couldn't even remember.... Like, when did Jane and I take these pictures??? hahaha...

Selfies at the roadside