Friday, June 29, 2012

KingKong Jenn

I met up with a friend whom I haven't seen for a while. 

We went shopping and ended up buying shoes of the same design... However, my purchase is more value for money... Why? Because for the same amount of money, I got 'more'! If the shoes are of the same design and they cost the same, how did i end up getting more? U see, her shoe size is 50% smaller than mine, so indirectly, she is paying 50% more... Still not clear? Okie, let me try to explain in more detail ~ because my shoes are bigger and technically, they would take more materials than hers to produce, which means the cost of making my shoes are higher, however, I didn't have to pay more.. Still confused? Well,  too bad... I tried my best... haha.. 

Shopping is a really good exercise.... All the walking really makes people tired! Also, all the sales really pump up your heart rate too! haha.. but it's not so good news for your purse... but looking from another angle, it's a good way to practise your self-control.

After a lot of walking & talking,  we went for bubble tea which we had to Q up for more than 30 mins! Well, that was OK because when you are being  accompanied by good  friend, you really don't mind wasting precious time just to get a drink to kill your thirst..... I had 北海道奶茶 which i thought was alright.... To me, it kinda tasted like caramel macchiato at Starbucks...

My friend told me she thought I look fatter. HA! she is right, I AM INDEED fatter! I'm not sad or angry or felt offended by what she said.... because I KNOW i am a king kong now... No point being in denial.. Because the truth is the truth. No matter how you try to hypnotize yourself and pretend that you are not what you are, the truth still exists...  

I am totally responsible for what happens. Although I strongly feels that my mum has to take part of the responsibility because she is the one who makes lots of yummy food which i find difficult to resist! OK, my weak will power is to be blamed.... But if i don't consume all the food, it would be sin to waste them... ! 

Who wouldn't if your one meal looks like this  

Awww.. am hungry just by looking at them~~~~~~


lj said...

ooi jenn! this is really too over! your one meal is equal to my 4 meal! n this is talking about a pregnant woman! gosh~ it's incredible how u can still maintain how u look right now, it's a miracle!!

Baby Jane said...

Waliao eh, it's s meal for giant!

Wish I could go shopping and bubble tea'ing with u gals. These days I shop at home, all I need to do is click the mouse @@

jenn said...

envy no more lj, because i'm already turning into a fatso. time to resume my exercise liao...

good la jane, then u don't have to waste precious time in the Q. P/S: pls click & buy one dress for me :P