Wednesday, July 4, 2012

My special drink

Felt so full after lunch.... 

Made myself a glass of rose vinegar to drink. 

Loved the taste ....  felt soOooo romantic....! It was like I were in a garden full of roses! That is, if i had my eyes closed la..... Because the sight of files and paper all over my table is not romantic at all ahahhaha...

Excuse me for a moment, I wanna go back to my secret garden... 

Wow,  I can see Eiffel Tower! 

玫瑰花醋 : 可調經補血養顏美容預防內分泌失調 腰酸背痛便秘抗風濕癌消炎效果(***生理期間及孕婦慎用***)


Baby Jane said...


jenn said...
