Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How do u eat your mooncake?

It's Lantern Day today!

Lanterns bring back a lot of childhood memories. I still remember the times we hung our colourful lanterns around the house. They looked so pretty in the dark! Once, we hung many lanterns of different colours on a long bamboo stick and paraded around the neighbourhood. Everyone looked at us. They must be admiring our colourful creation! haha...

Lantern party at hip's house last yr
Mannn, has it been a yr?? time flies!
Look at my Pooh Bear lantern. Cute eh?

I wanna ask how u guys eat your mooncakes. Tell me. TELL ME! I ask this question every year after one faithful Lantern Day a few yrs ago.

I've never found anything weird abt the way i eat my mooncake because everyone at my home eats it like this. That day when i was biting into my mooncake in the office, my ex-colleague screamed very loudly. I thought she got attacked by a big black hairy spider! Turns out, she was shocked with the way i ate my mooncake. Then everyone else joined in. Errr.. I don't like attention leh :P

It turns out that nobody eats mooncake like i do. BUT that doesn't mean i'm weird, right? It's just that everyone else were raised to eat mooncakes their way. They are just not accustomed to the way i eat mine and because my way doesn't conform to theirs, so they see me as 'weird'. Actually, I'm just different (& unique) lah haha....

I don't cut into tiny little wedges and eat only 1 or 2 pc and then keep the rest in the fridge for future consumption. It's just too troublesome. Also, the leftover might be left forgotten in the fridge and eventually invaded by some green hairy species (mouldy). Me, I take the whole mooncake and bite it like how u eat a bun. I know. I could've cut into little wedges and eat it piece by piece. More ladylike right? But, why bother? I would have to wash that plate and knife!

Enjoy your Lantern day guys....

I like eating mooncake MY WAY


baby jane said...

huh? is it weird to eat like that? i thought ppl cut because they dont want to take the whole cake? no?

i had mooncakes w my friend last night...we..errr...did the same thing....ur colleagues are weird to me though :D

Cindy said...

JK, remember Grace Liaw? She ate moon cake like your way too...while she was pregnant years ago...hahahaha...

Jenn said...

Yeah Jane! that's the way to enjoy mooncakes!! hehe... what flavour did u have? How come nobody invented egg york only mooncake hor? hehe...

Oh dear Cindy, does that mean i've been pregnant all my life? haha.. how do u eat ur mooncake? Tell me leh

lj said...

mua ha ha! really funny! in fact, u r the first one i know to eat mooncake this way, i think i would also attacked by big black hairy spider if i saw the way u eat mooncake. i didnt even know guys that eat mooncake this way, so 海派豪爽. To me, mooncake is too sweet for me to eat this way...but i like the way u eat,too cute! ha ha ha~ the mooncake pic with one edge gone brighten my day