Saturday, April 5, 2008

Seeing is Believing

Went to India Street with my friends today. I've been planning to go there ever since B mentioned that her mum bought a lot of papadoms there at a very cheap price to fry at home. Very economical and also healthier since we use fresher oil at home and can eat anytime and as many as we want. Actually, I bought 4 packets of papadoms in AUS but they don't taste the same. A bit too salty.

We reached India Street before 8am. We wanted to get there before the weather gets too hot and the place becomes too crowded. Had a bowl of black sticky rice soup at Open Air market to boost up our energy. kinda have craving for it that day. Not bad & only costs RM1.20. haven't had that a loOOOoong time!

After our quick breakfast, we went hunting for papadoms. Passed by several Indian stalls there. Wahhhh, i almost vomited on the spot! Jane's stories about how dirty Indian food is are right... You really have to see it with your own eyes to believe it!! I saw a lot of cockroaches and other bugs, live and dead ones right on top of the dried goods! And some look as though they have lived there for ages!!! In the cartoon world, there would be a signboard saying "Home Sweet Home" liao. I started to imagine how rats and cockroaches playing hide and seek at night. Yucks!

What's worse, the shop owners don't even bother to chase or clean them off! Aren't the owners worried that the customers will be scared off by those disgusting creatures? Obviously not because the revolting sight doesn't have any negative effect on the Indian buyers at all. May be to them, dried goods with bugs indicates fresh goods? There are many Chinese grocery stores nearby. Their dried goods look so much fresher and cleaner than the Indians'. At least I didn't see any bugs resting themselves on the goods...

My AUS friend is right ~ Indian stalls are dark and smelly. Not only that, they are dirty too. After today's trip to "Little India", I think I'm gonna say goodbye forever to Indian food. Hmm.. probably not forever. Just don't have it too often. Hmm.. may be it's alright to have a few pieces of papadoms once in a long long time... Hmm... May be no harm to drink Ginger Milk Tea more often since it doesn't involve any spices & it's good for health.... Hmmm.... May be not all Indian restaurants are dirty 不应一竹竿打翻一船人... Hmmm... may be I'm still in denial....... ;p


Alicia said...

hahaha.. but indian food is yummy... i like indian food... but their tug shop is different story.... very dirty....

Jane Jane said...

as usual, dirty food taste better than clean ones..hehe...the way u described already put me off, don think i will try indian food anymore..who knows, ur ginger milk also got bugs living in it before they make it into something drinkable..hehehe...oh well, i guess it shld be ok...alot of ppl eat those bugs in thailand anyway ^^

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that could be their secret to good indian food!

Just enjoy the food since you don't know how hygienic they are. Not seeing is not knowing. What's important is that you like the food ;p

Tracy said...

but thinking how yummy is the indian food... you will just close your eyes and not seeing how they prepare the food....hehehee

Jennifer Kho said...

Yeah, think i will just close BOTH eyes ;p if it attracts bugs, then i should be safe to eat hiak hiak...