Thursday, April 24, 2008

Losing My Mind

It all happened in one night (in one hour, to be exact).

First, I left my mobile phone (not containing any pictures or videos
like Edison Chen's) on the chair in gym. Luckily I realised it as soon as I stepped into the changing room. It was still there when I ran back for it *lucky*

Then, I left my sky blue always-with-me water bottle in the changing
room. Just after I walked out of the door, my friendly gym taker chased after me, holding my bottle in her hand *lucky lucky* She is my heroine...

Went for a drink after that. My iced lime juice with sour plum was refreshing.
I really needed some sourness to wake my mind as I had been very careless and forgetful with my belongings. Must not let it happen again. Before we stood up to pay, I made sure everything was with me. Just when I was taking money out of my purse, I realised that the cherry blossoms attached to my mobile phone were missing! I didn't worry that much since I'd been very lucky for last two times. Luck must have run out because it's 3rd time UNlucky for me... They couldn't be found anywhere and are gone forever....

I lost the cherry blossoms Jane gave me :'(

From this (on the right)

to this :(


Alicia said...

aduh.... there must be someone 'touched' your phone when u left it in the changing room. the person must have been attracted to the cherry blossom as she has more high tech phone than u (that y ur phone is still there).... aduh.... sad lah.. when u lost your belongings....

Katherine said...

well, think it this way..... losing the blossom its better than losing one whole handphone like me lo... really big head prawn arr.... this prawn of mine is too pricy le....

Jennifer Kho said...

Har? u lost your handphone? oh dear... Somemore, u lost ur content/memory... :(

Do you still carry two phones?

Katherine said...

hehhe When u visit us during christmas tat time i already use my new hp le la.... my old samsung lost in Oct le.... yeah, still carry 2 hp....

Jane Jane said...

don worry jenn...i replaced ur cherry blossom with a rabbit i bot in kyoto ^^ hope tat cheers u up \(^^)/

Jennifer Kho said...

Yeah SW, 衰神 must have loved my cherry blossoms too much that he decided to take them away :(

Hehe sorry Kat, I forgot about that. I was too excited to see you guys!

*hug* thanks jane for the cute rabbit!!