Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Truth revealed

Husky's plate has been spotless lately. I was impressed! She has been very picky with food. I even have to feed her with "Appeton", which I got from the vet to increase her appetite. Today, just after I put on my pink high heels, ready to go to work, I found a huge spotty kitty eating Husky's breakfast!! My reaction? I grabbed a red umbrella and ran towards the thief, yelling at the same time. I chased after her around my home in my high heels.

My neighbours must be worried as they have a crazy girl living hereby! haha.. The cat escaped successfully. Lucky for her or else I would skin, cook and feed her to Husky in revenge for food stealing. haha.. Attention animals/cats lovers, I was just kidding okay.

Poor Husky was helplessly watching her food being stolen by the big, shameless cat. What else can Little Husky do? The damn cat is bigger and longer than her! Hmm.. wait til she grows up. She will have the thief torn into pieces in no time!

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