Wednesday, February 7, 2007


I planned to have a relaxing night at home tonight. When I was happily chatting with Jude on the phone regarding cheap air asia tickets, my mum yelled out "Come & rescue Husky!!! I accidentally chopped Her!!!". OMG, Husky has been CHOPPED?! Into half or pieces?!?! All kinds of scary images flashed thru my mind. I slammed down the phone and jumped to the scene. To my horror, I saw my mum holding the injured puppy (Thank God! She is still in one piece!!) and there was blood all over her and the floor. And Husky was covered with blood! It was just like a murder scene!!

I panicked and did what I am best at - CRY. Fortunately, I have a very alert dad who immediately grabbed the first aid kit and tried to stop her blood with tissue paper and ointment. The blood kept splashing out like tap water and Little Husky was licking (more like drinking) her own blood from her nose - Hmm... this tastes like Bloody Mary.

We rushed Husky to the vet nearby. I wonder what went thru the vet's mind when I said "My mum was chopping the jungle durian open when Husky hopped over". Husky's nose was cut and was given an injection (not stitches, phewwww), some cream to apply and tablets to take. Husky should be given a bravery award for she did not make a sound from the moment she got "chopped" til she got home. I'm glad to annonce that she has returned to her normal, hyperactive-self. Good girl Husky...

** I was too shaken to take any photos. Please feel free to exercise your wildest imagination :)

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