Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Rising from the Dead

An EX friend contacted me recently to follow up on an unfinished business. In order to get what she wants from me, she uses what she is best at - manipulation. Apart from the phone calls and random visits to demand that I attend to her "urgent" matter, she also sends early morning and late night messages to "kindly & politely remind' me about it. Recently, she has even upgraded to sending threatening messages! Are these the ways to ask for a favour? Just one person in this world I know of agrees with her actions....

Who are these shameless assholes? must be the question in your mind. If you are curious about their identities, just look up the dictionary for "traitors", "pretenders", & etc** for their pictures.

** some words are too offensive for my blog


Jane Jane said...

Yeah....they are real assho**s...and wonder why they have such THICKED face to come looking for you...guess you have something they want and they just don't mind losing their dignity...ppl will do anything just to get wat they want...just ignore the assh**les

Anonymous said...

ah moi... who is the girl????? mentioned to me before or not??? do i know her???? tell me next time when i meet you ya.....

dun bother to entertain her lah... see her like glass.....

Anonymous said...

She is a psycho!! Man, her brain is definitely haywire! And who is this person that agrees with her mean and contemptible behaviour?

Jenn, don't get involved in her childish actions. Don't downgrade yourself to her level!!

Anonymous said...

WAH~ jennifer on fire! cool down cool down, have a glass of li ing lah,i linked your blog from Jane's, 1st visit! like your blog v much! i miss husky too! does she still bites?