Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I love my stars....

I have a thing for stars since young. When I was small, I would sit outside and try to count the number of stars in the dark sky. They twinkled like Christmas lights and it felt serene and made me happy inside. 

Sometimes I imagined myself floating in the galaxy accompanied by stars. Then I collected them into my little pouch and my pouch glowed brighter and brighter as I collected more and more. I heard that the real stars are not star-shaped like, is that true? Awww.. what we've imagined is more beautiful than reality! That's why it is important to have good imagination! :P

I missed my family and friends when I lived overseas. I remember looking up in the sky and thought to myself that I maybe far from my homeland and away from my loved ones, but the sky keeps us close together because everyday we "share" the same sky, the same sun, the same moon and the same stars. Then I would feel less homesick. Haha, the power of own thoughts!

The other night i went to Kch Food Fair with my friend. There were hundreds of food stalls in one area but strangely I didn't find anything interesting to eat @_@ Everyone seemed to have something in their hands. Even my friend had already swallowed one pork burger, a beef pie and a can of green tea and i was still empty-handed and stomached! How could this be?!  Just when I was about to give in and just grabbed anything to eat, I got attracted by these...

Assorted cakes in porcelain cups!

Aren't they cute?

They looked so cute! And there were so many different sizes, shapes, flavours, designs, colours....!

I stood there for a while coz i was carefully examining each and every cakes. There were chocolate mousse, cheesecake, choc fudge, Japanese cake, butter cake..... Then I saw IT and immediately bought it. It was love at first sight! hehe...

It was a chocolate mousse in the cup with lots of colourful stars on top! It is Galaxy (银河) in a cup, just many times smaller :P

What do stars taste like?

One spoonful of galaxy and stars!

Wow, I didn't know that Galaxy actually tastes like chocolate! hehe...

Haha, am a sucker for stars. The stall owner made 6 bucks from me just because she sprinkled some stars on top. hahaha, that's easy money from me! haha... The choc mousse didn't taste so bad. And best of all, i got to keep the cup too which I sometimes use to drink coffee and tea :P

Coffee & tea

So I guess u can say, value for money? haha...


baby jane said...

i like the mug. hehehe...

the mousse looked nice with colourful stars. did they have it in other shapes?

actually from young, i felt galaxy was mysterious and everytime i thought of galxay related stuff, there was a tingle feeling inside my heart. i still remember there was a catalouge name where u buy really cute stationeries and stuff and it's called 银河~~ even now, i still feel mysterious and tingle~ love it

jenn said...

ya, it gave me a mysterious feeling too... i finally found out that galaxy tastes like chocolate..hehe, on that night only la :P

wah! how i miss that catalogue. we bought so many useless items there :P

lj said...

6 buck is overpriced for mousse but since u can keep the cup, still reasonable gua~

U gals know 银河社still exist? still selling the cute n useless stuff, i saw my sister's catalogue n still find it interesting.

Anonymous said...

Really? Where is it? Where to find it? I love it since young.
I remember I made a snoopy name card and treated the cards like treasure. Instead of giving out, I kept most of them :p

jenn said...

yeah, at least can re-use the cup.

lj, you mean 银河社 is still in business? wow! do u have the catalogue? i wanna see!

me too, i also have plenty of name cards which i don't give out haha...

LJ said...

Ha ha~ u gals r funny, what's the purpose of printing name card anyway?

okie! will ask my sis for the cute n useless stuff catologue

jenn said...

for own enjoyment :P

pls let me know! i love looking at cute and useless stuff!

is it still the manual type where u need to fill in the order form with pen, buy wang pos and send out via airmaiL? haha....

jenn said...

how come it didn't occur to me that i could google to find out!

i just did and guess what, they are ONLINE now! wow, we can see cute and useless stuff anytime anywhere liao!


baby jane said...

wah, so high tech..they all go green liao isit?

i just clicked into the website...felt like i'm in the 时光机, back to childhood..yes, it's this feeling!