Wednesday, July 3, 2013


When I was small, I love to take cold stuff. On hot days, I would take an ice cube from the freezer and pop it into my mouth. And sometimes, I froze the milo drink my mum made for me in the morning and when i got back from school, i would dig the frozen milo with a spoon. I also liked to make Milo Godzilla. My version is to put a few scoops of condensed milk in a mug, then filled it with half a cup of milo powder. Then I poured iced water and quickly stirred it until it's sticky and gooey... it is nice and sweet to eat like that! When I was small, the word FAT did not exist...... 

When we were studying in Aust, we sometimes cycled to the deli near to our home and each of us bought a cup of frozen coke. We had a little competition where we drank the frozen coke with a straw and the first person to get brain freeze lost.... haha, the good old days where kids like us would do anything to entertain ourselves haha...

As i grow up, I realise that it's best we avoid taking cold stuff. Yup, i finally grow some wisdom! hahaha... I figured that since our body temperature is 37 degree celsius, if we consume cold food and beverages, our temperature will drop... Just imagine the amount of work our body has to go through to increase our body temperature to 37 again! *sweat*

After knowing the side effects, i try not to take cold stuff unless necessarily. I have weak will power when it comes to food but very persistent when it comes to taking cold stuff. Even on super duber hot days, I insist on taking hot drink or soup. Once, there was a black out in our office. All of us decided to have a drink at the cafe in front of our office to cool ourselves. All of my colleagues ordered something with iced cubes while i ordered hot milo. They were amazed and asked me if i didn't feel hot.... 

Weird to say, I didn't. In fact, i felt cool. I may look mad to have hot drink on hot days, but u know what, today i found that the Chinese Physician actually agreed that hot drinks should be taken during hot days! 


This week, I sort of broke my own rules a few times. well, because my friends wanted to share iced kacang with me.... Well, I sacrifice myself just for my friends~~~~ 

Red Bean with ice

It's HUGE! bigger than my head!

I feel a bit unhealthy so to make myself feel less guilty, i decided to take ... ginger drink!

Instant ginger drink!

I'm so clever! 我是有智慧的人!其实是自欺欺人.....哈哈


Jane Jane said...

i also try to limit cold drinks..only take cold drinks in kuching coz i really love teh c peng...otherwise, 100% hot drinks no matter how hot.

the ice kacang looked delicious :p

jenn said...

hot drinks are for HOT babes like us buahahahaha...

yeah, iced kacang was delicious.. not too sweet..

小醋子 said...

每一次跟我约会你都指定热饮,而我也有点不好意思啦!现在也渐渐的减少了冷饮,可是却受不了Green Tea Latte于奶茶冰的诱惑....不冷不好喝!haizzzzzzzzzz

小醋子 said...


jenn said...

姜母茶是在台北买的喔~ 其实在家也可以自制。只须黑糖,老姜和龙眼干。当然还需爱心啦,呵呵

LJ said...




jenn said...

就把它吃了吧~ 要不然你可以给小醋子,哈哈~

baby jane said...

buwahahaha, LJ, i waited till the margarita became warm ler. hiak hiak.

wa se man, ur sure have good memory. that is indeed from tamsui. i also got long expired one at home. i think it wont go bad la. haha

i found most of the expiry dates are for reference only