Friday, June 29, 2012

KingKong Jenn

I met up with a friend whom I haven't seen for a while. 

We went shopping and ended up buying shoes of the same design... However, my purchase is more value for money... Why? Because for the same amount of money, I got 'more'! If the shoes are of the same design and they cost the same, how did i end up getting more? U see, her shoe size is 50% smaller than mine, so indirectly, she is paying 50% more... Still not clear? Okie, let me try to explain in more detail ~ because my shoes are bigger and technically, they would take more materials than hers to produce, which means the cost of making my shoes are higher, however, I didn't have to pay more.. Still confused? Well,  too bad... I tried my best... haha.. 

Shopping is a really good exercise.... All the walking really makes people tired! Also, all the sales really pump up your heart rate too! haha.. but it's not so good news for your purse... but looking from another angle, it's a good way to practise your self-control.

After a lot of walking & talking,  we went for bubble tea which we had to Q up for more than 30 mins! Well, that was OK because when you are being  accompanied by good  friend, you really don't mind wasting precious time just to get a drink to kill your thirst..... I had 北海道奶茶 which i thought was alright.... To me, it kinda tasted like caramel macchiato at Starbucks...

My friend told me she thought I look fatter. HA! she is right, I AM INDEED fatter! I'm not sad or angry or felt offended by what she said.... because I KNOW i am a king kong now... No point being in denial.. Because the truth is the truth. No matter how you try to hypnotize yourself and pretend that you are not what you are, the truth still exists...  

I am totally responsible for what happens. Although I strongly feels that my mum has to take part of the responsibility because she is the one who makes lots of yummy food which i find difficult to resist! OK, my weak will power is to be blamed.... But if i don't consume all the food, it would be sin to waste them... ! 

Who wouldn't if your one meal looks like this  

Awww.. am hungry just by looking at them~~~~~~

Friday, June 22, 2012

From afar....

Two yrs ago, I spent a lot of effort arranging a nice Cambodian tour for myself and a group of friends. The local tour guide I communicated with was quite good in his job. Whatever I asked for, he gave me detailed replies. Even for those I didn't ask for, he also provided.. Oooo, I'd a good feeling about this trip! Oh YEAH!

Unfortunately,  I didn't get to enjoy the fruits of my hard work in the end.... I had to stay back because there was more important task to deal with at home back then.... Yeah,  I'm a very responsible person.... and I KNOW IT! ;P

When my friends returned from Siem Reap (which reminds me, some of my friends said they bought me souvenirs but they never pass them to me Hmmmm...), the tour guide wrote to me to say thank you~~ and hope to see me in person next time... Oooo, nice of him to say that. He sure knows how to do business - that's what I thought at that time.... 

Two years has come and gone.... Another group of friends were going to Cambodia for holiday...  That kinda reminded me about my long outstanding Cambodian trip!  Don't despair, I will definitely make it ONE DAY! that's positive thinking! haha... Anyway, I remembered this tour guide whom I liaised with 2 yrs ago and  recommended  him to my friends.. I know I have never personally used his service before, so how could i give my recommendation? Well, he did give good customer services when I liaised with him and my friends came back with fond memories.. so i guess that's pretty good testimonials....  Turns out, this group of friends of mine also had a lot of fun in Cambodia too! 

When i met up with my friend, he said he has a surprise for me.. A surprise? I hope it isn't some kind of fried spiders or unknown insects from Cambodia... but the word 'suprise' sounds so mysterious! Hope it's something good....

He then passed to me a really nice bag.. wow, it's really cute! The bag is made from vine. He said there is more surprises in it.. so i quickly opened the bag and found a really nice scarf! Guess what? It's a gift from the Cambodian tour guide. After 2 yrs, he still remembers me? wow! My friend said he actually went to search for a gift in the night market. That's very touching *sniff sniff~~

Nice gift box!

This time, it's my turn to write a thank you note to him.. He told me that both the bag and the scarf are handmade and that the scarf is silk.  It's called a krama. I googled and learned that a krama is actually a traditional Cambodian garment to carry children, to cover the face, and for decorative purposes.  Wow, looks like it's a multifunction piece of garment!

I don't have children.. so Friends, if you want to borrow my high class silk scarf to carry your babies, please let me know.. i can consider renting it out BUT  for a fee...  I know I shouldn't charge  because friends should avoid money matters.. but u see, am trying to save some money to realise my long outstanding trip to Cambodia, so....

I know all my friends are generous and kind people, they sure don't mind to sponsor me , right?

Thank you in advance~~~ am so lucky to have friends like you all *big kiss~~ :3

Thursday, June 14, 2012






那晚,我在醫院的癌症病房陪著。我表弟問我 "姐,你看斜對面的那個病人,你猜他幾歲? "

轉頭看,是一位很骨瘦如柴的男生。頭上不再有黑溜溜的頭髮,脸也很蒼白。在他床邊有位年輕的女生在照顧他。大概是他的女兒吧。我說他看起來像70歲的先生。我表弟搖頭說他只有四十幾歲。那 女生是他太太!@_<;



表弟又說,另一旁的病患很愛'動手'~ 他會一直摳他眼上的傷口,鮮血常流滿臉。我在那裡兩天見識了很多次。我的媽呀,他不會痛嗎?還是他已不覺得這很痛了?表弟還說有一晚,病人把自己手上的插管拔掉,結果血從手噴出來,血流滿床和地面。護士趕緊幫他換洗,他的家人對他無可奈何。護士們真的很偉大!每天得在這麼負面的環境工作真的很不容易!讚歎他們呀!


人的身體就是那麼脆弱。生老病死誰也逃不過,所以一定不能浪費此生!人生無常,好好的活著。好好的珍惜吧~ ~

願大家天天 快樂自在 ,身體健康!愛你們(怕錯過,先趕緊表白!哈哈~)


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Can't stop eating!

Cooking is an easy task for my mum. She can turn anything into a yummy meal without any problem.. She is like a magician in the kitchen!

I remember when we were studying in AUS, she would make seven layers kuih, ham jim peng, tou sa pao, sticky rice and other hometown delicacies for us to eat... for she knew how much we missed them.... Mum's cooking is always the best! The food are always bursting with her love and also ingredients! haha... We always laughed that, if she were to sell them in shops, she wouldn't make any money at all... She did make to sell a few times, upon friends' requests. In the end, those 'businesses' turned into charity work haha....

Mum must be feeling inspired again.. Because when I returned home yesterday, she immediately came to the door and happily told me that she had made chai kuih, sponge cake, BBQ pork buns and white bread.. Then she started pulling everything out and put on a plate for me to eat... i felt as if I was having a buffet at home! haha..

I had to stop her from giving me too much snacks... not that I don't appreciate her kindness, but because it was dinner time.. and i saw that there were 1 pot of black bean pork soup, 1 pot of pork leg soup, omelet & vege on the table, waiting for me to finish! I finished everything mum gave me and also the omelet, vege and some pork leg and black bean pork... *burp*

This morning, I had 3 BBQ pork buns for breakfast. I also brought with me a few pieces of sponge cakes and white bread + strawberry and apricot jam for tea break... Gosh, they went soOOooo well with a cup of coffee!

Stop to fill my stomach so can continue to work hard!

It was a wonderful morning...! *la la la... *

Friday, June 1, 2012

A taste of my own memory

While on my way to meet my friend at McD, I spotted the man who gave me many wonderful memories. Then I decided to detour and went to him *sorry friend for being a bit late*

I wanted to re-live my memory. I wanted to know where he has been all these years. I also wanted to ask if he still remembers me.

I was chasing behind him under the hot sun like a stalker. When I was finally close enough to him, I yelled out from behind

'ice cream!'

Just like old times, he stopped and turned around. Yes, that's the same man who used to come to my neighbouhood to sell ice cream. He still looks the same, but much much older....

I saw the buns in his basket. Immediately I ordered a 'gu you bao ice cream' (butter bun with ice cream). Unfortunately, all he had that day was roti kosong (plain bun). Aiya! I really wanted to eat that. Since I was going to have McD later, i thought i should save some room for the McD meal.. so I switched my order to ice cream cone. That day's special was yam ice cream! YUMMMMmmm... my favourite yam! *lucky*

It's YAM !

He opened the cooler that is on his bicycle and started digging out a scoop of purple coloured ice cream. I felt like a little kid again, waiting eagerly to receive my ice cream from the ice cream man.

I told him I used to buy ice cream from him when I was a kid and that I haven't seen him for a long time and asked how come he stops coming to my neighbourhood. He didn't say anything. He just smiled.

As soon as I got my ice cream cone, I tasted it. It was yummy! I was in my own world with my childhood memories flashing by. The feeling is just as I have remembered.

I accidentally took a picture of his hand. Time has definitely left a trace. It kinda saddens me. Will I still see him next time?


No matter what happens, he will always be part of my memory... for as long as i live....