Monday, May 3, 2010

I've a mail....

When i left my hometown to continue high school in aus, my old friends and I kept in touch by writing letters. Yup, i'm from THAT generation where ppl actually used their hands to write :P

Back then we didn't have email or fax and long distance phonecalls cost a bomb! We had to write on paper and then find a post office to send out our mails. Then the waiting time began. It was a loOOooong process but that's what we did last time to stay connected....

Nowadays, we only use our fingers to 'write' letters. Emails and text are so convenient, cheap and fast that I wonder how we'd lived last time! Haha.. BUT the feeling of receiving emails/texts is not quite the same as receiving old-fashioned handwritten mails. I remember back then, everytime i found a letter in my mailbox, I screamed with happiness and tore open immediately to read. I read not only once but many many many times til i remembered the content by heart.

I kept all the mails from my friends in my pretty boxes. They are my treasures. I re-read them from time to time. I just never seemed to get sick of the letters no matter how many times i read them! They remind me of the journeys i've been thru and good friends I've in my life... (^V^) *lucky*

Anyway, why am I being so sentimental today, i hear u ask. These days when i check the mailbox at home, all i find is bills from utility companies, credit card companies, phone bills, junk mails etc... ('_')

I've forgotten the happy feeling i used to have when I saw handwritten mails sitting quietly in my mailbox waiting to be discovered... until today, out of the blue, I received this....

From Jane

It's an electronic postcard she sent via her Iphone...

Ahhhhh... I really miss the good old-fashioned handwritten mails... Jane, could u pls send me one of those beautiful postcards from NZ? By airmail plssssss...?


Anonymous said...


I know exactly what you mean. That's what my sister did when she first came to Perth to study. She will write to us at home and post it. What a nice feeling receiving something in the mail. I guess we still prefer the "old fashion" way of doing certain things. Bring back good memories. Email me your home address and I might surprise you with a handwritten something in your mailbox when you least expected :)


baby jane said...

haha...apalah..put my photo there...but im glad i brighten ur day ^^ i know what u mean too...i miss the feeling of wondering what is inside the thicked envelop and it just feels closer to your friends when you see their handwriting..there could be cookie crumbs (then you know she's snacking while writing), or wrinkled spots (you know she writes with tears), or scribbling messily (you know she's tired)...aaahhh..the good old days...but one thing i hate most abt airmail is, postmen like to steal my letters!!! esp those with cute envelops!

Jenn said...
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Jennifer Kho said...

Jaime!! How are u?!! You have already surprised me by leaving your footprints on my blog! *touched* So, what have u been up to? Must be busy sorting out all your handbags brand by brand hey? hehe... any bags you wanna giveaway? hehe...

you are right jane! i did notice that too when i read letters. Once i found a piece of dried 'pi sai' on the letter. Not sure if she was "digging gold" when she was thinking what to write Or she purposely enclosed it as a gift :P

Yeah, postmen always kept my letters too. sigh, it is hard when u have admirers hey? hehe...

Kimmy said...

after read u gals comment, i laugh till fall down to the floor...wuhahahahaha!!!!! especially when i read the "pi Sai" part... hahaha... that not from my letter la hor...

ya, miss the time received & send the letter by airmail.

u gals till keep the old time letters? my mum throw all my letter to the tong sampah lor, cos cant keep too many thing at home. haizz...