Monday, May 31, 2010

A gift from the heart

Whenever I visit HK, I must eat "bo lo bao" ( 菠蘿包 - Pineapple bun). BTW, Why call it a bo lo bao since it doesn't taste or look like pineapple? Can someone tell me coz I am super lazy to google for the answer hehe... * waiting to be spoon-fed*

Normal look

I don't know why i like bo lo bao. It is not attractive looking. U probably won't bother to take a 2nd look if u have never tasted it before. It may be plain looking but in actual fact, it's very tasty! 'Inner beauty' is more important huh! :P

Jane came back from HK last night. She told me that she bought me TWO bo lo bao *touched* JaNE remembers... What's more, they are all the way from HK! So wu sim (有心) of her... *sniff sniff* Then she pulled a plastic bag out from her big backpack and passed it to me.

From Jane

我左看右看,上看下看,再怎么看,都不觉得有像平时吃的圆圆的菠萝包耶。They were not round like the normal ones at all. They looked more like bo lo pancakes to me. Ummmm jane, is this a new look for bo lo bao in HK? haha...

The look is not important lah. They still taste v nice, that's the most important thing. Inner beauty, inner beauty k....

'Punctured' bo lo bao :P

oh Jane, it would be perfect if there was a hot cup of HK milk tea to go with the bo lo bao :P


Alicia said...

ahhahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaa soooooo funny....... Jane accidentally sat on it in the plane is it???? why like that one....... ahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

jenn said...

Oh gosh! that never came to my mind! The sugar on top must have melted under Jane's warm butt!

baby jane said...

buwahahah...did they taste better?

jenn said...

got funny taste oh hehe..

no lah. tasted interesting coz not traditional type. got red bean paste inside

Jenn said...

Thanks Cindy for answering my question *muaks*

Here, for those who are lazy like me, to search for answer



Read on if u wanna know more abt bo lo bao. i drooled while i read. so u can imagine how 'tasty' the info is :P



菠蘿包由於熱量、脂肪與膽固醇含量較高,曾被香港專家定為「十大不良零食」。(Unhealthy? hehe, nvm lah.. die die also no regret :P)



菠蘿油是從菠蘿包發展而來的食品,是將菠蘿包橫向切開夾著一塊厚切的牛油(或奶油)所組成 (YUM! one of my favourites!)。菠蘿油最好的吃法是將新鮮出爐的菠蘿包夾上冰冷的牛油,這樣牛油就會被菠蘿包的熱力影響而溶化在包身的中間位置,包身會被溶化的牛油變成金黃色,而食用時菠蘿油與菠蘿包不同之處是能夠吃出濃厚的牛油的香味。但由於加上了牛油,所以菠蘿油比菠蘿包的脂肪與膽固醇含量更要高一些。

香港很多茶餐廳都會供應這種食品搭配奶茶作為下午茶餐或早餐 (see Jane, this is what i'm talking abt! HK milk tea + bo lo bao!)。一些茶餐廳更會將牛油連冰粒送上餐桌,好讓客人將牛油夾至菠蘿包時仍保持在最冰凍的狀態,以加強凍熱口感的對比。



個別餅店或茶餐廳在菠蘿包上加上變化,創新、特色的口味層出不窮,如午餐肉菠蘿包、迷你菠蘿包、奶黃菠蘿包、紫菜菠蘿包、藍莓菠蘿包、紅豆菠蘿包 (this is the one jane bought for me. Not bad but a bit too sweet)、椰絲菠蘿包及叉燒菠蘿包等,甚至還有真正有菠蘿蓉或菠蘿片餡料的菠蘿菠蘿包。



Cindy said...

I bought your darling bo lo bao, let me taste 1st ya...comment later. :)

lj said...

the original & actual version really laugh my ass off, really can't find their similarity ... like being stepped! but at least it's still in one piece n not 肚破肠流 that kind. :p

Jenn said...

u like ur bo lo bao cindy? the local version is different though...

muahaha lj, u are so wak tak! actually, they got 内伤. so u can't see 肚破肠流 from the outside hahaha