Friday, April 9, 2010


Life is full of surprises and lessons. No matter how prepared one is, she can never really know what will happen next.

3 weeks ago, i lost my lunch purse. Not much inside. Just $20 or so and
an ATM withdrawal slip. I wasn't too bothered about the loss since the content wasn't that significant. Also, If i were to recover the purse, it would probably be empty anyway....

Today, my friends and i went to our usual cafe at Kenyalang for lunch
(love the popiah there!). I was waiting to pay for my lunch when i remembered that i was at this cafe the day before i realised that I'd misplaced my lunch purse. No harm in checking with the lady boss i guess so i asked her casually if she had seen a purse. She said 'what purse?'.

Ooooo, doesn't sound like she has seen it. So i explained to her the reason i asked just so that she wouldn't feel accused.

Then she walked to the counter near her stall and took a
bear purse. HA~ That's my lost purse! Unexpectedly! AND, money is still inside!!

The lady boss told me that she has picked up a lot of lost items in the cafe. At the end of each year, she groups all the unclaimed finds + $$ from her own pocket and donate to the charity. Tha'ts so kind of her! We need more ppl like this in the world :)


Tracy said...

you are so lucky to find back your purse. Really need more ppl like the lady boss.

Your bear bear's face really fit with your wallpaper. haha.... :)

Baby Jane said... lucky. The bear has a nice "body".... Haha

jenn said...

yeah, very kind of her. the world will be more peaceful if everyone isn't greedy :)

haha, Jane, bear bear works out v hard mah...