Thursday, April 1, 2010

Long weekeeendddd

Yayeee.. so happy that our 3-day long weekend starts tonight! I know jane is more ecstatic as her weekend is super duber long. It's public holiday for her on monday and tues as well *jealous*

Everyone's going somewhere for holiday except for meeeeeeeee....

Hmm.. what should i do during the holiday? Eat, Sleep, Play all day long? That sounds like a brilliant idea! As much as i want to live a pig's life, i shouldn't as I have to keep my words.

Last night, my friend reminded me to "study hard". Honestly, when she said that, i didn't know what she meant. What's there to study I thought. I actually stared in the blank for a while trying to get her meaning. Then i remembered. My exam of coz! I made a resolution to do the exam in June. Gosh, i've TOTALLY forgotten. Sigh... Can't blame me for forgetting. It's the last thing anyone wants to do during holidays *exhale loudly*

Mannnnn... life's bitter. Hey! That's not the way to start a holiday!

Must be happy. Must be happy. I know, i go look at my holiday pics!

.... i feel soOOo much better now....


baby jane said...

tsk tsk tsk...escaping from the reality by looking at the pics ar...go STUDY!!!

jenn said...

Gotta feel happy to be happy to study bahhh :P