Friday, March 6, 2009

Still Amazed.....

Let's chill-out in my room, online.....

I know you are probably sick of me raving about it again. That's because
I'm still in amazement! I still can't get over it! Also, there are PEOPLE who underestimate my ability. Hence the need for this post.... Please bear with me for a little while longer k... :P

Each time I walk past my room, I stop and stare. Wondering why all these years I'd never bothered to take the trouble to do a major room makeover, once and for all. Wondering how I managed to relax in that pigsty for years...

I'm so proud of myself. It's hard to believe that I actually did it! I've overcome the impossible!! y(^^)y *singing 'Jenn is the champion, Jenn is the champion...'*

Jane and I burst into laughter when we looked at the before pictures of my room. OMG! It looked as if World War III was in action! And what's worse, I was actually happy living in it! Jane, don't laugh! U contributed to the mess too! haha...

Then there are photos of my stressful 'journey'. The mountain high stuff that I'd accumulated over the years sent shivers down my spine. In fact, i still shiver when thinking back! I will think not twice but many time the next time I want to add something to my collection coz I DON'T EVER WANT TO GO THRU THE PAIN OF CLEANING AGAIN!

Am glad that I was being forced to give my room a facelift. It's such a shame that I didn't feel that it needed a 'little' clean up until someone pointed it out! *Blush*

The feeling of achieving the unthinkable is indescribeable! I feel as if I have been re-born and given a new soul! I feel so good and light inside!

See the reflections on the floor! It's SPOTLESS~

I wanna give a big thank you to my dearest friends for their supports in helping to realise my goals. Friendship forver Patience, Determination, Motivation and Hardwork! ^^ Without you guys, I'd still be living in my mess :)

For those who are still living in your pigsty, Clean Up That Room of Yours! It's worth the effort and if Jenn can do it, so can you!

My next challenge is...........

To keep my room spotless for the years to
come! Wish me luck! :)

My Colourful corner....

Aren't I creative? hehe....


Tracy said...

Jennifer, your room look really nice and cozy ... i should go to visit you. I love your colourful corner where you hang some photos on it!

Anonymous said...

hey... where are all your 'collection'???? u dump them off dont u???? oh no.. your floor is shining... next time i can sleep on your floor liao.... ahhahahahahahhahaha

siaw hui

Anonymous said...

wah tracy, i will have lots of preparation to do if u do come visit me. U want a lot of things from me - see my spotless room, eat my homemade kimchi and bread, get passion fruits..... ;p

siaw hui, now u know how spotless it is leh.. u under-estimated my ability lah... u wanna know where my things go? stay tuned....

Anonymous said...

clap clap...bravo jenn on your determination to clean up your room...sure look shiny now...remember to keep it like this forever ar...hopefully wont turn back to pigsty soon..hehehe...gotta learn from u...

Anonymous said...

in amazement or in shock? hahaha....your effort is worth it!!!!