Monday, March 16, 2009


What happens when u put 3 gals together? Play til dawn; Talk til sleep; Shop til drop; Eat til explode... that's basically our lives for the week in Taipei.

Food in Taiwan are absolutely tasty! Well, to me anyway. There are so so so much to eat that I could have different food every single meal (hour)! Even on my 2nd visit to Taipei, i still didn't manage to sample all the delicious goodies... hmmm.. That should be a valid reason for me to visit Taipei again ;p

One thing about food in Taiwan is that people really cook with their hearts. They use the best quality ingredients and they don't do shortcuts.

We discovered a Japanese restaurant that serves very (times infinity) delicious Ramen by accident. We were gonna eat at the other Ramen restaurant but it was closed.

We weren't expecting much coz the place looks just like any other ordinary Japanese restaurant. My Pork Ramen in Beef soup looked pretty ordinary too. Just a couple of slices of pork on top of the handmade noodles, a poached egg by the side, all covered in soup.

It was until I had my first bite that I broke down and cried. Hehe, not really, but almost. It was soOOooo good that I had tears in my eyes! I am not exaggerating! It was THAT good!

The owner stews the cow bones for hours til the soup turns milky white. It is the sweetest soup I've ever drunk! No MSG btw. And the pork slices are full of flavour, which MELT in your mouth. YES, you read it right and again, I'm not exaggerating. They really melt the moment they touch my tongue, just like good quality dark chocolate. No chewing necessary. Oh my gosh, I'm drooling all over my laptop as I type!

We left wonderful comments in the owner's Little Book of Compliments. He deserves them. The ramen really touches my heart :) We were gonna return for another bowl of
感動 ('sincere' ramen) but there are just too many other food to try during our limited stay. The only place we repeatedly visited is.....

My Mashed Taro ball in hot jelly!

I think I could live in Taipei...


Anonymous said...

My mouth is watering just by looking at the pictures! the jelly thing looks interesting. looks like ice cream in hot soup!

Anonymous said...

Ramen! i like! Taro! i like! taiwanese really put their heart into their merchandise. Your description make my mouth watering even before i look at the photo. hee hee

Tracy said...

If you plan to go Taiwan next time, remember to invite me to go together...i dream to Taiwan since long long time ago!

Anonymous said...

i think LJ is mouthwatering because of the leng lui in the pic, not the ramen..hahaha