Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Where is Jenn?

I feel as if I am slowly losing my identity, fade, disappearing....

More and more people mistake me or say I look like Jane lately. Why is it not the other way round?! Hmmmpphhh..... :/

Just 2 days ago, while having breakfast with my gang, we bumped into friends and one of them asked me when I'm leaving Kch.

My mind went blank and my world became silent for 10 seconds while I tried to figure out what she was referring to as, to my knowledge I'm going no where. I hadn't even planned where to go after breakfast!

Yep, u guess it right. She had mistaken for Jane......


Tracy said...

You both two really who alike. No wonder ppl will mix up. Don't upset i will never mix up both of you! :)

Anonymous said...

lucky u jenn..hehe

Jennifer Kho said...

thanks tracy... if my close friends mistake me for jane.. it'd be the end of the world for me haha...

lucky U jane