Friday, March 13, 2009

Fly Lice

Hehe, u must be wondering what the heck fly lice is. That's the pronounciation in HK. It means Fried Rice lol

My breakfast menu for the past 4 days has been fried rice. Yup, fried the rice 4 days in a row. I'm not sick of it yet as mum's homecooked fried rice is always very tasty. But.... is 10 eggs in 4 days too much for me?

Yeah, I also think that it's a bit too much. Am turning into an egg soon! That's why I'm going to sweat it off by climbing Mt Singai for the 9th time tomorrow. I was gonna stick to Lucky 8 for the rest of my life but.... a bunch of enthusiastic mountaineers' fate depends on me so it's waking up at 6am tomorrow......

Yeah, I'm too nice I know....


Anonymous said...

i wish i could have a bowl of fly lice with fly egg from mum...lucky u

Anonymous said...

Come home and get ur fly lice then... hehe... or i fly lice for u the next time i see u hiak hiak....