Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Raving about My room, AGAIN!

I better post this before it's too outdated :P

I woke up a few times from my sleep on my first night in my room (yeah,
it's that topic again! ;p). No, I didn't have nightmares.

me, the next day

I have this habit of not sleeping well on the first night in a new environment. Because of the total room change, my room which I've been sleeping in for yeeeaaarssss becomes a new and unfamiliar environment for me!

My parents have been nagging for years that I need to do something abt
my room, but the buffalo in me couldn't be bothered to budge. I reasoned that it's the way I like it... So u could imagine how shock they were when they came home from holiday to find my neat room. Hehe, a surprise once in a while definitely makes life more interesting ^^

During my stressful time, I came to realise that a room is actually a
bit like our heart and mind. Each day, we put in new memories and feelings, be it good or bad. We keep adding without throwing out the old, broken, unwanted, unneccessaries because we don't want or are not ready to deal with them. We have no organisation at all until one day, the tiny space is cluttered. Then we make excuses that we like it that way because cleaning is a frightening job!

While I removed things from every corner of my room, I saw things that I've long forgotten. Some I could not even recognise! Emptying our mind and heart is the same. We find memories and feelings which have been left untouched for years because they were buried so far below that we've forgotten about them. Then, we have to deal with each and every one of them and decide whether to keep or throw them away. So in a way, cleaning a room is like free-ing the space in your mind and heart. Once u get things sorted out, you feel light inside, as if u've been given a new life....

Now, wouldn't u rather clean your room instead of soul cleaning? It sure seems much easier to clean that mess in our room....


Anonymous said...

your room cleaning really inspires you a lot oh! *clap clap*

'cleaning a room is like free-ing the space in your mind and heart. Once u get things sorted out, you feel light inside, as if u've been given a new life'...i like what u said n couldn't agree more. For me, i would be moving into another room,hence,a total clean up is necessary, expect to clear a lot of 'old memories' to start anew.

Anonymous said...

haha...i seriously think LJ should blog too...ya, couldnt agree to jenn more...what a torture to sleep in a cluttered room and what a torture to clean up. moral of the story? start cleaning and stop cluttering

Anonymous said...

yeah, hopefully we will see lj's blog soon *wink wink*

oOOoo lj, if u ever feel demotivated during ur cleaning up, just think of the results.

jane, the moral of the story is 'don't clutter so u don't have to clean up'.