Monday, March 2, 2009

My Room

3 weeks ago, I started my mega project to 'de-mess' my room. It is
soOOoooOOO hard and time consuming that it makes demolishing my mum's empire seem like a piece of cake!

For the past few weeks, I've been working like a bee and an ant. Working a bit each day so I wouldn't go insane. On some days, I was really motivated and determined to get it done. At other times, I felt frustrated at the mess i've created and just wanted to quit!

Finally, it's over. I've done it! Yipppeeee.... the feeling is great! I usually just re-shuffle my junks around by moving things from this cupboard to that cupboard. No more junks organising this time! I made myself chucked away things, esp those i kept making up excuses that I might need them in the future. I don't think that 'future' will ever come (as I won't be able to remember their existence afterwards).

My friend is right. The journey is painful and torturing but once u reach your destination, u feel great. I think that's an understatement. I feel INCREDIBLE! Like I could achieve anything!

I'm blinking back my tears of joy. Is this really my room? Really, nothing is impossible if u put ur heart to it.

Hehe, I won't show pictures of my room. It's kinda personal :P (sorry to disappoint) but i can show u the room I like...

I wish I'd a room like this!


Anonymous said...

ooi~ should review the final outcome n let us judge mah!

Anonymous said...

che, i was anticipating the pics la...but this is a nice room...

Tracy said...

I want to see how is your room look like leh.... i wish 1 day i can afford to have my room look like the picture that you posted. heheh... day dreaming again!!!!

Anonymous said...

let's just say, it's a BIG difference. I burst into laughter when i re-visited the before pictures!

u guys really wanna see my room? just be patient and wait for the day to comeeeeeeee hehe