Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mucking Around

My mum always insists that we go to airport early. Really early. like 3 hours before departure.

It's okay if the airport is as interesting as Changi or Hong Kong Airports.

The airport here is so quiet that we can even hear our own breathing!

Thank goodness there is Starbucks!

Long live self-timer!

Long live WIFI!


lj said...

jane's face still 'hok ki' oh! hee hee...3 hours before the flight! warao~ no flies for u gals to kill some more.

jane jane said...

apalah...camera adds 10 pounds la... (自欺欺人):p

jenn said...

her face still hok ki coz i hid mine behind her! clever aren't i? haha

Anonymous said...

where were you??? kuching airport??? hhaha i know your mum is an early bird.. i remember her gan jiong look last time... hahahahhahahah

siaw hui