Friday, March 27, 2009

Life In dulgence

I've been observing one trainee in my workplace for a while. Not that I'm nosy or have nothing better to do. It's just that I can see her everyday from where I'm sitting.

This girl, i think about the age of 20 drinks a can of coke everyday. During the day, she also eats choc waffles, cookies and other tit bits. Whether to kill boredom or hunger, I dunno... One thing I know is that her rubbish bin is always full of shiny sweet wrappers and cans.

She reminds me of myself in the past. I used to eat whatever I like without much care about the consequences. Ummm... I am still like that, just not as out of control ;p

Once, Jane, my bro and I finished one large pizza EACH in one night. It was winter and we were hungry...

Another time, Jane and I ate McD meals continuously for 27 days because of some silly Snoopy figurines collections. Oh oh, have u ever tried filling your mug with lots of milo, condensed milk and icy cold water and ate the gooey mixture with a spoon? I tell u, it's heavenly! Like you are floating in the air! oh oh, how about topping ur fresh strawberries with so much whipped cream that all u can see is a pile of white cloud? And did u know that ice cream goes really well with cooked glutinous rice? Ha! I bet you've never thought of that! My food adventure list just goes on and on and....

At that time, we always bought the largest of everything - the biggest bottles of full cream milk, juice & peanut butter, biggest tub of ice cream and yogurt, the biggest pack of biscuits, crackers, cheese, the biggest bar of chocolate etc... Hehe, we were trying to get more with our money. poor students mah... Then we would eat out of the tub, bottles and packs while watching tv...

Calories? Fat? bad for health? Nah.. we never heard of these terms.

I am still not very familiar with these terms but I am less careless these days because i notice that once my weight goes up, it never comes down :( I still eat like old times, just less uncontrollable but given valid reasons, I'm still as uncontrollable....

Maannnn... old habits are hard to break!


Tracy said...

how come both of you eat so much but still look slim ah....

Anonymous said...

OMG..... i will be 肥到死 if i eat like you both.... goodness... why we still look like pig even we dun eat like you... God is unfair...

siaw hui

jane jane said...

apalah jenn...why u revealed our image anymore la...hahahah...

jenn said...

能吃是福 :P