Friday, December 19, 2008

We finally see LIGHTS!

Mr. Sun is finally back from his holiday in Hawaii! ^^

*singing* You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey.....

Oooppssss.. i forgot to reset the date... should be 19/12/08 :p


Anonymous said...

where got sun? not yet 5 mins gone liao... mushroom start to grow on me liao loh.

Anonymous said...

mouldy mouldy..hehehe...then LJ u can cook those mushrooms that grow on u...hehehe..

here is hot hot hot...

Jennifer Kho said...

LJ, that's not mushroom. that's dirt lah haha.. need to bath eventhough weather is cold and gloomy leh

jane, ur skin is too thick ;p it's winter in HK