Sunday, December 14, 2008

Swollen Finger

Clumsy me 'kiap' (caught) my thumb in the door *sob sob*

I didn't pull my finger away fast enough when i shutted the car door. hmmm... is that a sign of aging?

It wasn't painful at first so i continued to take things out from my car. After like 2 seconds, my thumb hurt like hell! I immediately threw all my things on the ground and looked at my poor thumb. It had swollen into a lightbulb and started to bled! Then i cried.

The more i cried, the more painful it got and the more painful it got, the louder i cried. Then like a little child, I ran to my mum. My mum kept blowing on my finger and told me that this will make finger less painful. At the same time, she gave me some sweets to eat to keep me distracted from pain while she searched for ointment. For one moment, i really felt like a little kid! An old kid that is hahaha....

Not only that, I was like a princess for I didn't need to do any cleaning up after dinner. And bro was asked to do things because mum said 'sis has painful finger' hiak hiak... i bet my bro hated me that night... ;p

I still have swollen and bruised fingers. I can't type properly....

before the blue-black effect


Anonymous said...

yikies...looks painful to me..hope you get to keep the careful next time~~~poor u...sayang oh

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha! opps...i am not laughing at your pain but how your mother comfort u by giving u sweets n blowing your fingers. she's so cute! n i suddenly clueless if this is your 3yo story?

I've been through the same situation years ago, really damn painful until cry like a baby. Very likely u r having a new nail! wah~ new year new nail. leave the bad behind!