Monday, December 1, 2008

La la la.....

For the first time in many months, I don't have Monday blue! Am in such a happy mood that NOTHING can drag me down from Haven of Happiness to Earth.... (p/s: if u have any bad news, do tell me today ;p)

Am feeling super duber excited now. We are celebrating Mum's birthday tonight. What makes the already-special event extra special is that it's gonna be a 'semi' family reunion too! How rare! How priceless! How I can't wait!

Although our family reunion is not quite 'complete', it's good enough. We haven't had such a 'big' reunion dinner for AGES! Since I was 10 i think. I bet Mum is the happiest and most excited among us all... How can one not be when Jane took time off her busy schedule and flew in last Sat, Pete extended his stay and brother will fly in this afternoon with family ?

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