Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Cat named Meow

A year ago, Husky died of car accident. It was heart-breaking for me and my family, especially my mum. For the past year, each time someone has a dog or cat to give away, we always politely reject. Not that we hate animals. We are just afraid of the day we have to part with them. A fear that everyone has.

A year later, a friend has a kitten to give away. We decided to adopt her. Althought she is completely different from Husky (i.e. not a doggie; obviously. DUH!), she reminds me so much of Husky - the naugtiness, the madness, full of energy, the pickiness on food, the cheekiness and most importantly, they both got bullied by the same darn monster.

So different and yet so many similarities... I suspected that my kitten is actually Husky in a cat's body. Or am i thinking too much?

Our new pet - Meow.........

Ohhhh... Such an innocent look

Welcome to the family, Meow!


Anonymous said...

her name is 'meow'???

congratulation! become a pet mommy again~ i like your kitty's eyes.

beware of your neighbour's dogs.

Jennifer Kho said...

Meow has blue eyes. I've an Ang Mo kitty!

I was gonna name her Hello Kitty but she doesn't have pink ribbon on her head and doesn't wear pink blouse.

Jennifer Kho said...

Meow has blue eyes. I've an Ang Mo kitty!

I was gonna name her Hello Kitty but she doesn't have pink ribbon on her head and doesn't wear pink blouse.

Jane Jane said...

OOOooo, so CUTE...i love cats!!! i wanna play w her and hug her...

mayb she is husy incarnated ler..hehehe...meow meow meow...meow has been the name for all of our cat pets....