Thursday, July 26, 2007

Most Wanted Thief - FOUND!

This is the thief that steals from Husky!! Don't know what I'm talking about? Kindly go to 'Revenge' under Labels, titled "Truth Revealed ".

Neighbour! Please reverse into this不臉('bey pai say') thief for me! Turn it into a pancake! muahaha...


Anonymous said...

eh... what happen to your husky??? should be 不要脸啦 not terbalik....

Anonymous said...

eh.. i thought was the cat which steal... how come turn to a dog??? plastic surgery kah???

Anonymous said...

Thanks for pointing out the error. It's amended :)

That's a cat in the picture!! haha.. Guess it steals too much food from Husky. Now it's become as big as a dog. Bloody cat!

Anonymous said... first I thought it was a dog too but when I enlarged the pic, I can see that it's a cat....anyway, shame on ur lousy dog that it's even afraid of the cat...sigh....what for rear such dog time also can't help u to bark at strangers....aduh....wasting wasting....

Anonymous said...

haha, my dog has got small appetite.

Stupid Shameless Fat cat steals when Husky is not around. One day i will see the cat in pancake size because it is too fat and slow to get away from moving cars! That would serve her right! Thieves should be punished!!! muahahaha