Monday, July 23, 2007

The 'DUNNO' job

Many many many.... times, my clients, when asked a question, just answer 'dunno'. Such short & concise answer! How am I gonna draw a conclusion if I dunno what they do? I dunno why they are in the companies if they dunno anything. Dunno if they know that they are getting paid for doing something they dunno. I bet that's the only thing they know ;p

'Dunno' is such an easy word to say!! Should they be forgiven or scolded for not knowing or pretending not to know anything?

I would love to be able to get a 'dunno' job. Let me know if u know where i could get it. I bet u say 'dunno'... haha...


Anonymous said...

you know ask them "what do you know about?"... audit from those points... haahhahahaha.. so ur whole report remarks "DUNNO- case closed"....

Anonymous said...

haha, that's a good oneee.. I wonder what my readers would say ;p