Sunday, July 8, 2007

Me? A thief??

Was in KL for seminar.

I was on my way back from the Ladies during tea break. I passed by the food meant for another training. Wah! soOOOooo many different kinds of desserts!! I couldn't help but grabbed a Chocolate Muffin topped with crystalised sugar... Yummm.... how can I resist that?? *drool*

Just look at them. Don't they worth the effort to steal???

Yeah, im a food snatcher! i stole food from other ppl!! haha... Their food looked so much better than ours!! I know... i should be ashamed of myself *V* Why is it that other people's food always look more delicious than my own??? I can't figure out the reason but that's ALWAYS the case!


Anonymous said...

GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!! GREEDY GREEDY!!!! Suddenly, I'm wondering if I know u...hahahahahaah

Anonymous said...

gosh.... Jenn.. you finally did this.... your dream has come true.. oh no... luckily i stopped you when we were in the training previously... otherwise i will be catagorised as the 2nd offender....hahahaha

Anonymous said...

I was just assisting them to finish the food so nothing goes to waste. Think abt the poor starving people out there!

C2, we were too full to eat at teabreak after the buffet lunch, remember? ;p

Anonymous said...

I bet they can finish the food without ur help too..haha...don't find more excuses la...