Sunday, August 3, 2008

Rotten Mummy

Went to watch Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor last night. It is my must-see because Jet Li is in the movie.

What's my rating? Can I give a negative number because i think that's what it deserves.

Jet Li still looks cool. He always does, no matter acting as a good or bad guy. Love to see him in action! He is quick and serious when he fights - ahhh, things that make a man sexy.... ;p

Personally, I think he is the BEST in martial arts. Stand aside, Jacky Chan. Okie, we all know how 'fightable' Jet Li is. But him turning into a 3 headed dragon that breathed out fire and also transforming into a hairy beast with horns????? New skills izit?

Mannnn...I laughed so hard and so much during the show. Not with the movie but AT the movie! haha... It's entertaining. In the dumb way. U just gotta see it to know what I'm talking about though it's not recommended to burn your hard-earned cash like that. Hmm.. probably just go get a cheap DVD and share it among a group of people. Paying 10 cent for a crappy movie? That, I won't complain ;p

The movie gets rotten eggs and tomatoes from me. As for Jet Li, he still gets my admiration :)

Mummy can breathe out fire worrr....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

may be he is in need of cash