Saturday, May 10, 2008

Blur Queen

Can't believe that it happened AGAIN!

I blame Jane for it. She travels around too often that I sometimes lose track of her whereabouts! That day, Jane asked me to call her at her Hotel in Japan. I called..........

M: Me H: Hotel Receptionist

H: Moshi Moshi, ....... (standard hotel greetings in Japanese)
M: Hi, Could you pls pass the line to Room 1331?
H: Sorry, could you pls repeat?
M: Room 1331 pls.
H: Errrr.. what's the guest's name?
M: Jane Kho
H: Jenny Ko?
M: No, Jane Kho. J-A-N-E K-H-O
M: J for Jordan, A for apple etc.....
H: O... Jen Ko
(I was relieved. He finally got me!)
H: Errrr.. she is not here.
M: Huh? what do u mean? She just asked me to call her. *Confused*
H: She is not in the hotel.
M: *VERY confused* But she is in her room. Could you pls try again?
H: I'm soli m'am, She is not in the hotel
M: She is in the hotel. She just called me! *i said that determinely*
H: Soli M'am, *still v polite* I don't get you. We don't have room 1331. We only have 7 floors.

>_<" <--------- ME!!!

It turns out that I've called the hotel which Jane had checked out in that morning! I forgot that she had moved back to her Sunday-to-thurs-hotel after her weekend fun in Tokyo city!

Jane! it's all your fault that it happened. It's funny how I managed to embarrass myself in Japan without physically being there! Gosh, you move around too much lah! It's making me confused! haha...


Anonymous said...

WUA HA HA! nevermind lah, they don't know u, u dont know them. Yeah loh! yeah loh! it's all Jane's fault...but why dont u call her handphone leh?

Jane Jane said...

haha..coz it's cheaper to call me on my lan line...if she called my mobile, sure pecah my bills...haha..i LOL when jenn told me also..i could imagine how confused both of u were...esp the jap receptionist..hahaha..

Jane Jane said...

eh, i just found tat u have a lot of phone funny incident hor...another one is where my friend mixed up between u and me...hahahaha..let's kacau ppl from now on as our mission~~~

Jennifer Kho said...

Jane, they happened because of you!

lj, roaming service is expensive. If i had called Jane on her mobile phone, she wouldn't have $$ left to buy me presents liao.