Wednesday, July 11, 2007

It's FINALLY here!!

Tonight is the nite....

Am going to watch Harry Potter - The Order of the Phoenix tonight! Yayeeee.... Y(^V^)Y I can hardly wait!! Hopefully the movie is as good as the book itself.

I'm counting down to 21/7 too. Because that's the day the 7th and final book of the Harry Potter series will be released. I'm a faithful 粉絲 (fans) of Harry Potter. I have the complete sets of novels and DVDs.

I remember back a few years ago, I told an ex-colleague that I read Harry Potter novels. She went 'That's for kids!! I read Lord of the Rings'. Hmm.. Says who that Harry Potter is for kids??!?!?!

The author of Harry Potter is JK Rowling. Coincidently, my initial is also JK. No wonder I like her stories!! BTW, her website is very interesting - got Magic oneeee...


Anonymous said...

Gosh...u have been spell bound by the movie and the author liaw..cham cham....wonder how to save u liaw....wat magic...aiya...all tipu tipu punya la...I've never watched a single episode and I know I won't regret it...haha....

Anonymous said...

it's Fan 屎 in HK. Hey, nyiap not regret coz he hasnt watched a single episode..the movie and the books are GREATTTT

Anonymous said...

ah nyiap is the opposite sex.... so forgive him not to be the fans of this magic magic story..... anyway... i watch the movie like playing puzzle... only know the leng chai leng nui.. but not the story.... shame shame..

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Ah Nyiap doesn't know what he is missing! haha...

c2, puzzle is not complete until u put all pieces together. now u know what to do hor?

Anonymous said...

Who is C2 ah? Btw gals, pls wake up and don't stay in wonderland too long...u r all not Alice...hiak hiak....

Anonymous said...

Nyiap nyiap, c2 is my mysterious friend from the mysterious world ;p

I'm not in wonderland. I'm in Hundred Acre Woods ^V^