Sunday, January 7, 2007

Rojak Thoughts

Everyone needs a Guardian Angel. I have my very own Angel who works 24-7. No, she doesn't complain like some of my friends (Guys, you know who you are. Don't make me name names here ;p).

(My very own personal Guardian Angel. Isn't she adorable, just like me? ;p)

It's now Year 2007. Where are the spaceships and robot maids as shown in the Cartoons? Oh man, we should sue these cartoon creators for giving us fat hope! What were they thinking?! That we, kids would never grow up to realise that we had been lied to all this while? I really thought I could drive my family and friends around in my expensive & sporty BMW spaceship!!! Sorry guys, you just have to wait for a few years more (I hope).

No new New Year's resolutions this year. I am going to "renew" my NY's resolutions. Yes, once AGAIN! Hopefully, my Guardian Angel will give Angelic Jenn the power to defeat Evil Jenn who always seems to win in 99% of the situations. Go, Angelic Jenn!!!

1 comment:

Jane Jane said...

Cute angel...just like me..hehehe....wat are the new year resolutions that you never keep and seem to renew every year? hehehe