Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Are u the same?

This picture really says it all! i thought only i myself have that dilemma. looks like a lot of others also have the same dilemma! haha..

Sometimes I refuse to wake up so that i could sleep in a bit longer. but very often, i find myself unable to sleep at all.  Even so, i still refused to get up to pee and 'pretend' i was sleeping T____T

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Out of the comfort zone

Change can be scary. Sometimes we choose to stay where we are because we fear that a slight change means we have to do a bit more to live with the change. Who needs new challenges when we already have enough to deal with at the moment?

I was once a coward too. I hated making decisions because making decisions means having to bear the consequences, which also means, if the results did not turn out as I had hoped for, I would have a miserable life ;(

But to remain unchanged while the rest of the world keeps changing, I would have a miserable life too. So i learn to make changes for the better. I learn to accept consequences, be it good or bad. I learn to have an ordinary mind by not expecting any rewards (平常心).

So, what have i learned so far? I have learned that it's OK when i take a turn and fall into the drain. I just need to stand up, heal myself, think of better ways to not fall down again. The journey may not be a pleasant one but the fruits are definitely sweet.....

I had a boyish hairstyle during my school years. My mum kept telling not to have such short hair because i looked like a boy from behind as I am tall and slim (ahem, am slim no more T__T). Being stubborn, I didn't listen to her and continued to keep my hair short. One day, while i was on a study trip in Taipei, I was bag-bargaining at a store at a night market. As i turned around to leave, I noticed a small kid standing behind me with his mum. He told him mum that he thought i was a boy! His mum was a bit embarrassed and told him to say no more. Sad to say, kids are always honest and from then onward,  i stopped having short hair. Yup, i was that hurt... and trusted the kid's taste haha...

Even when i have long hair, I went thru many struggles too. Before the hair straightening era, i went through life with messy & unmanageable hair for i have natural curls. Then someone invented hair straightening (praise the inventor!) and i was too scared to try because I heard that it would burn your hair and make u botak (bold). After many thoughts (struggles), i did it anyway and had straightened long hair for many years. 

Then my family and friends started to get bored of it  and 'complained' that i should make a hairstyle change (hey! easy for them to judge me!). Then i struggled again. Should i curl my hair? What if i look like an aunty? After many thoughts (struggles), I did it anyway and had curly hair for many years. Although sometimes the results were not as expected but I lived with them anyway.

Then I got so used to long hair that I'm sick of it :P and thought may be i should do some change. So a few weeks ago, I went to visit my hairdresser. For the first time, i actually did not think and struggle at all like i used to! The feeling is great! No headache, No hesitation. The results?

I am instantly 18 again and lost 5kg!  hehe... 

Do you like my new look?

Change is part and parcel of life. The worst thing is being 'used to' it. I just realised that all of us stop progressing when we decide to stick to our comfort zone @_@ Sometimes it's a breath of fresh hair when we walk out from our little squares. It's so much easier if we have less "principles" or "rules" of our own! la la la  *singing & dancing*

Gosh, I really like my new hairstyle! I feel lighter, both mentally and physically hehe...

Let's embrace change! yayeee....

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

My "treasure" box

I was talking stars and galaxy the other day.. i think it's the word 银河社 (Yinhoo) which sent Jane down memory lane, then both of us and lj started to discuss about it haha....

When we were in primary school, we loved to read the catalogues from yinhoo. Haha, i just realised that we started our 'virtual' shopping experience at such a young age! I remember the catalogue contains a lot of stuff, from decorative to stationery, accessories to items which i have no idea what they are for. Honestly speaking, Jane and I bought a lot of cute and useless stuff from the catalogue. 

At that time, it wasn't so easy to purchase from catalogue. First, we had to wait for the catalogues to be sent to us, then filled in the order form after which we had to go to post office to buy money order and finally sending everything off via airmail. After the long processes, the waiting game started! We had to wait very patiently (it could take weeks!) for the items to reach us. 

We bought customized name cards which we didn't really give out, earrings which we never wore, bookmarks just because we liked the wordings or pictures, photos of idols which we didn't even look very often. We bought stickers because they were too cute not to buy. We bought things simply because they were too cute. I kept these in my treasure box which I still kept til now... :P

I dug out my treasure box last night. I used to have more items but when i moved around the world, I lost a few things, like the diary i wrote when i was in primary 4! :( Anyway, am still happy that i have this small treasure box with me. It holds my childhood memories... which reminded me where i had spent my hard-saved money on :P When i was small, my pocket money was 50c. Everyday, i would do a cash flow and decide how much i should save and how much i could spend. oooo looks like am destined to be a bean counter since primary school @_@

some of the treasures i've collected

These are just a small part of my treasures. Hey, the sundae and Lollipop stickers are very unique. A few scratches on their surfaces and u can smell strawberry and lollies! 

The customised name cards are at the bottom left of the picture. My friends gave me theirs in exchange for mine.

Fido dido? hahaha... We were quite crazy over this 7-up character...

My cute pencils are still "new"

Bookmarks which never got to serve their purpose :P

My tin box which can be opened both sides
got lots of stickers inside! haha...

Playing cards with popular idol, bookmarks, pencils etc

With today's technology, it's so easy to spend unnecessarily on the internet. We don't have to go through the complicated manual processes like before. With just one click on the mouse (and also typing here and there la), the vendors received our order & money. Depends on locations, we sometimes received our items the next day!  And we can look at nice pictures of the products anytime anywhere and can do shopping 24-7! That kinda explains why Jane and I (*ahem* and some of my friends too) are addicted to online shopping. Looks like some old habits are hard to quit! :P

Although there are many much nicer e-catalogues to look at, somehow i still miss Yinhoo's catalogue. So when Jane and LJ mentioned about it, the child living inside me came to live. I was so excited when LJ said her sister still buys from Yinhoo and that she will go ask for the copy to lend us! I wonder if we still have to go through the manual processes since internet is so powerful nowadays...

As i was wondering, i suddenly thought, hey, maybe i should google just to find out. guess what? i found yinhoo on internet! They even have facebook account! WOW! am so excited and immediately check the site! 

Guess what? There are still a lot of cute stuff and stuff i don't know what to do with :P love to look at the catalogues. it really brings back a lot of childhood memory!

From yinhoo's website

 I feel like buying again :P

Friday, September 6, 2013



我記得很久前看過陶子寫的一篇有关MC的文章,真的寫的太贴切了 !

以前的我根本不把大姨媽當一回事。我記得朋友們都很小心的看待。他們說經前,經時,經後不能吃冰的東西,也不能吃屬寒性的菜類和水果。比如,大姨媽拜訪前,一定要吃暖子宮的料理如kacangma;大姨媽找上門時,絕對不能洗頭髮!; 姨媽離開後就得吃補元氣的食品等等。哇,原來是那麼講究的!

小時候的我,自覺自己天下無敵,覺得生病和死亡只會發生在老人家身上。當時的我真的很判逆 - 我愛每天吃冰就吃冰,想洗頭髮時就洗,愛吃那種水果我可以天天都吃,根本沒有想那麼多!有次我生了場大病。連續好幾天發燒不退,傷風又咳嗽。每天頭昏腦脹的,也吃不下飯。更可惡的是,我並沒有因為這樣而減重 T____T 自從那次過後,我了解健康的重要性。生病時不但自己苦,還連累身邊​​的人。難怪人家說 Health is Wealth!

後來我開始(盡量啦,呵呵~ ) 遵照古人的理論過生活。我在飲食方面開始調整,比如戒喝冷的飲料,就連大熱天我還是堅持喝熱飲料喔。改變飲食我能做到,但大姨媽拜訪時不洗頭髮真的很難!但為了身體,我有時真的不洗頭髮。可是一頭油油臭臭的真的很噁心!也讓我完全提不起精神!覺得大家都在嫌棄我 :( 臭油頭偷走我的自信心!呜呜~ 


以前我媽媽為姐姐們坐月子,會摘很多大風艾。因為要帶到國外,所以得把它們曬乾。媽媽每天很忙,又要摘又要曝曬。天氣好時可以一下次搞定。天公不做美時就得分很多次曝曬了。風太強也不行,會被吹翻。唉,總之過程對我來說太繁瑣了。我想商人應該知道現在的人都很忙(or 很懶?),所以就出了方便包。對我這種人來說是福音!呵呵,商機都是這樣來的吧?

Bye Bye 臭油頭!
