Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Pinky & Meow

Once upon a time, there lived a pig called Pinky. He did not have any friends because he was different from the rest of the piggies in the village. U see, he was only as big as a grape.

One day, Pinky walked to school and was stopped by a group of school friends. They teased him like usual, pushed him a little and laughed that he was abnormal. 

Pinky was sad. He cried and ran to the lake behind his school. He sat down on the rock overlooking the calm water and wondered why he was born different. He wished he was as big as the lake so he could hug everyone in the village. He loved them but could never give them a proper hug......

While he was thinking, a red cat named Miao came sitting next to him. He asked Pinky why he cried. After Pinky told Miao everything, Miao smiled at Pinky and said "although you are small, u have a big heart! Can I be your friend?" Pinky was surprised at Miao's request. He smiled through his tears and nodded his head. Pinky was soOooo happy that he finally had a friend!

Pinky and Miao immediately became buddies. Because Pinky was very tiny, Miao let him ride on him everywhere they went~

Although the piggies in the village had bullied Pinky before, Pinky continued to show his love and was always polite to them. The piggies felt ashamed of themselves and asked for forgiveness. 

Pinky asked if he could be their friends and all of them nodded their heads. From that day onward,  all the piggies stopped making fun of Pinky and they all lived happily and peacefully ever after...

Pinky and Meow

 Jane bought for me from taobao

How do u like my little story? hehe....


baby jane said...

great imagination...

cute nodding pinky and pinky little kitty...i bought u the kitty also ler. hiak hiak hiak

i think the story is cute and the piggie and kitty are super cute :)

jenn said...

yes ah, super cute!

Thank you, my cute elder sister for buying such cute stuff for her cute little sis, who made up such cute story to entertain her cute friends~

btw, my story has deep meaning one.. :P

baby jane said...

ya...really really deep...should make the ending more dramatic and unexpected...

jenn said...

like Pinky got roasted and eaten? hahaha

lj said...

wah~ great job jenn, u can consider writing stories for kids! WT will be your first small reader

i want that piggy too!!!! so cute!!!

more dramatic ending eh~ can consider let piggy save the entire village first because of his small size n than the whole village realised small could be an advantage n ashamed of themselves. good or not?

jenn said...

wah, u mean like superpig saves the world? looks like u r more suitable to write children books worrr haha...

ok, next time i will make it as dramatic as i could :P