Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Scary morning

This morning, while i was still in my dreamland, i heard a loud BANG followed by screams. Instantly, i jumped up from my bed. It was still dark and drizzling..... I looked out from my window and was shocked at what i saw! Somebody just crashed into bush next to my home! The white car must have skidded due to the wet road and it fell from the high road to the bush next to my home. The car was quite damaged and the scariest part is, there were people screaming for help in the car! 

I quickly ran to the victims.. There was already a small crowd at the scene and before i reached the accident scene, one of the pedestrians shouted to me to call an ambulance... Oh gosh, someone is injured! This is serious! While running back to my home, i was praying hard in my heart for the victims. I sincerely hoped that they will be fine...

I dialed the emergency number and a lady picked up the phone and greeted me, by my name. No time for good customer service... OK OK, it's good service.. i know they have my information, just in case it's a prank call, they know where to look for me. ha! Anyway, she passed me to the ambulance section.. The guy asked me sOOoooOoo many questions! I know it's their standard process.. but at critical time like this, i really felt that it's a bit too long...... The longer I wait, the longer the victims suffer T___T

He asked me to go back to the scene to find out more about the accidents and the victims, like how many children and adults, what kind of injury, whether they are in pain @_@ I think he wanted accurate information so he could arrange proper equipment and officers to come over... 

OMG,  A closer look, it was more serious that I'd imagined! The 3 kids were badly injured! There was blood all over the victims and car... The poor girl was stuck in the car while a small boy has deep cuts on his head and blood could be seen coming out from his eyes like tears! Another small boy was lying on the grass unconscious... The poor mum who has bruises and cuts kept touching her young boy.... She kept apologising to her children.... saying that she didn't drive fast at all, how did this happened? Sigh.. it was a heartbreaking scene... :(

My neighbour successfully rescued the young girl from the car.. I held an umbrella over her to prevent her from getting wet. I couldn't do much except giving her faith.. She told me she is in pain. I told her that she would be fine. The ambulance is on the way to save her. I asked her for her name, how old she is, how many brothers & sisters she has etc....  I don't know what else to do except keeping her awake and calming her down.... I asked her to pray to Jesus.... She obediently did that... Then her dad arrived at the scene. The little girl asked her dad to pray for her as well.. It was such a touching scene...

The victims were taken away by 2 ambulances... I wonder how they are doing now.. I hope they make it through...and that there are no permanent damages caused. I hope they are able to jump and down like they used to.... I hope they recover fast....

I was very late to work.. After seeing what happened, I really felt that life is really full of uncertainties. Last night, the family might be having a fun time together at food fair, then the next day, 3 out of the 5 family members are facing life & death situation.... 

We must cherish everyone and everything we have in life.. let's not waste time complaining how unfair life is.. let's not take things for granted... because  what we love will disappear all of a sudden.... no matter how u do not want this to happen... it will still happen.... 

...Disappear like morning dew


Jenn said...

P/S: read on newspaper that the kids are alright. Thank goodness!

lj said...

good to hear that, n thank you for being such a good & caring by helper, i am sure they appreciate it very much! well done my friend!

jenn said...

做的好不够好啦。还在学习 :P

Baby Jane said...

U r a brave gal :(