Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Wise Vs Wild Spending

Many people these days cannot live without internet... And because of that, many eateries & cafes offer free wifi as one of the ways to attract customers. There is even portable internet so people could go online anytime, anywhere. And sadly to say, I myself is turning into one of those people! haha...But am considered a 'light addict" because I do not subscribe to portable internet and don't mind being internet-less for a while ... yes, i still can live without internet hehe... BTW, do you know that some buses in HK provide free wifi too? Cool right!

Internet has made things very easy for us I must say.. And it also makes communicating with loved ones living abroad very convenient! So convenient that I feel as if we are never apart! Sometimes, I still miss the old fashion communication though.... love the feeling of receiving hard copy of handwritten letters!

I remember, i used to Q up for more than 1 hour just to pay my telephone, electricity etc bills. it was such a waste of my beautiful Saturday morning! Then when the companies no longer open on Saturdays, I had to sacrifice my precious lunch hour to rush to settle the bills... Sometimes I had to skip lunch because of the slow service >//< Then one day, i discovered that i could see my bills and pay my bills online for FREE!! What's better, I could pay whenever and wherever i like, like at 3 in the morning in Taipei! hiak hiak hiak.... What's more, I don't need to keep hard copies of receipts because the system keeps track of my payment history. So happy that I am saving trees too :P So Cool!

Lately, I started to get addicted to online shopping... Gosh, I never realise that I would become one of those mouse clicker shoppers just like Jane!@_@ I must say, it's just too convenient to resist! hehehe.. Guess what, I've bought coupons for Latte, digital weighing scales, foot spa device, 1 month use of gym.... I do practise my will power when it comes to online shopping.... u see, there are tonnes of things i wanted to get, like the candy floss machine, the 3-in-1 sandwich & waffle maker + BBQ grill, ice cream maker, yogurt maker etc but i didn't buy any of those... Simply because I'm a wise shopper hehehehehe.. OKie, I lied. I'm Jennifer, I'm an online shopaholic.... because i just spent on clothes with Jane on Taobao! T___T

Last weekend, J & I redeemed our food coupon at the cafe. The ice-cream in toast with mulberry sauce was yummy! Half way thru the ice cream, I realised that there was a piece of lettuce in the dessert... What is it for? probably as a decoration i guess.... I ate it anyway, it tasted really yummy, with ice cream!! It managed to make me feel healthy and less guilty for gulping down a fattening dessert! Yes, I can have another dessert! YUuummmm...


I redeemed my latte too at a cafe at Waterfront on Sunday. There were a lot of tourists at the cafe and i kinda felt as if i was also on a relaxing holiday somewhere! *dreaming* It's good coz I could be "on holiday" without having to actually spend big bucks on trips! Yayeee.. that's one good reason to spend more online! hahahaha...

I want another cup!

Am waiting for my other online purchases to be sent to me... wooo.. i love opening presents! hehe.. However, I wouldn't be so grateful when i see my big fat credit card bill at the end of this month.... @_@ Nah, let's worry about that later.. In the meantime...

let me just enjoy life and big cheers to internet!! y(^V^)y



lj said...

looks like u got many good kang tao from groupon oh! hee hee~

jenn said...

haha, exactly! that's why it's important to "exercise reasonable care" haha...

Baby jane said...

Sisters are alike... Haha, now u can't blame me for addicted to online shopping. Sisters help each other, I buy for u in china online, u buy online for me in KCH... Wow, sisters are great

jenn said...

haha ya.. it's like having an 'international' card.. can shop worldwide haha...

twins will always be twins.. even we share the same hobby! well, hope it's just a temporary hobby :P