Thursday, August 19, 2010

Where is Sleeping Buddha??

For those of you (which is not many) who played my 'little game', here is the answer to "spot the Sleeping Buddha" . If you haven't played, here is the photo again.....


Did you see Sleeping Buddha? If not, don't despair. It's my fault as the picture is waaaayyy too small for your eyes. If yes, well done! That means you have v v good eye sight and imagination!

Here, a larger version for those who miss it. Can u see Sleeping Buddha now?

Simply beautiful!
I think I would have no problem falling asleep here as well

If u still can't. Eeerrr, how do i say this nicely ah.... *#&$@ What's wrong with you!? Sorry, I've done my best. You really need to get your eyes checked and mann, where the heck is your imagination???

Sorry if I broke your fragile little heart....... :P


baby jane said...

if cannot spot, may be the problem exists between the computer and the chair...hehehe..

jenn said...

sorry that you (whoever it is) have to find out this way....