Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Holiday (Part 1)

Everytime ppl ask me for interesting places and activities to visit and do in my
hometown, i always find myself thinking v hard *frown* Then i worked out a standard answer so i don't have to stress my brain each time i get asked - just eat, eat, eat. Hehe, I forget that not everyone likes food as much as i do :P

Like i say quite often lately, ppl tend to take things for granted and
only realise their value until they lose them. I don't wanna be like that anymore.... There are beauties in everything. It just depends on how u choose to look at it. Ok ok, you probably know this too well since we read abt this in many many forwarded emails but, do you practise it?

It was quite a nice day one weekend. I managed to find a beautiful spot
at the hill top (near Hilton). And under the shade! As i needed to buy some souvenirs for my friends, I decided to treasure hunt at Waterfront where all the souvenir shops are.

Ahaha... you might be thinking that Jenn has gone nuts. Why walk from
the hill top??? So hot! And so far to walk!! In the past, i would think myself as mad to walk under the hot sun too. But that day, i was in such a good mood that i thought, Why not? I have never done it before! Also, there were a lot of tourists at that time. Why not join the fun? Spontaneous aren't i? haha...

I went into every souvenir shop at Waterfront. I actually felt like a tourist while walking there! haha.. In fact, everyone just assumed that i was a tourist since i was walking in the touristy area. Eh, i later found out that i can get the same thing at cheaper price at Sunday market T___T Mann, me getting ripped off at my own hometown? haha... Oh well, nvm. i really enjoyed the journey, so it's ok pay a bit more :P Also, it just shows that I didn't know my hometown that well even though i live here ;P

I want one of those pandan leaves bag!

I kinda felt good to do this. I actually felt like i was on holiday!!
May be my mood got affected by the relax and happy tourists around me. If u are like me - wanna go out of town for a holiday but cannot afford it, just go somewhere touristy like what I did and do what tourists do. Instantly, u will feel as if u are holidaying overseas! What's more? You get to learn more about your own hometown, like u can get 1 more fridge magnet for the same price at Sunday Market. That's killing 2 birds with 1 stone! Cool hey?

It was bloody hot that day and i craved for some cold drinks. Guess what? i walked to Tua Pui Sim and ta bao (take away) teh c peng. Eh, I didn't know that their shop now has name! It's called NEXT. So IN one!! Probably they wanna make it easy for the tourists to find/ remember. Or may be it means "if you don't like to wait hours for one bowl of my delicious vinegar noodles and pork seaweed soup, go NEXT door!!!" Ahahah... Okie, out of topic. Back to teh c peng. I was a bit surprised to see the big bag of iced milk tea. Must be because of my dehydrated look so the person made me an XXXL one haha... Glad he did coz that was just what i needed to kill my thirst and cool me down. I also managed to take a peep on how they make their teh c peng hiak hiak hiak... can make my own at home liao :P

Me and my milk tea
I was sweating like mad that day
Didn't lose any kilos though :(

I went on with my adventure while drinking from the plastic bag. Quite a few ppl looked at me with envy but sorry dudes, I don't share when it comes to food!

Excuse me for a while. Jenn wants to watch the slow-moving clouds while
enjoying her milk tea...

Fluffy clouds, where are u floating to? Can you take me with u?

Do come back again for the NEXT episode on my "holiday".....


Bb jane said...

Wahhhhh, teh c Peng!!!! This would b my most favourite come I din think of getting it when I pretend to be tourist... Good healthy walk though... Wish it was winter

Cindy said...

hmmm....good idea...can try one day...mean walking in the local touristy are, feeling myself a tourist..haha!

jenn said...

jane, teh c in HK v the nice also leh..

yaya, cindy, u must try. tell me how u go :P

baby jane said...

nice but different taste. i like kch one more.i also always do touristy stuff in HK...the problem is, i dono if i'm tourist or not le...hehehehe...