Thursday, October 9, 2008

I need a Change

It's that time of my life again.

I was at the very same crossroads just a few months ago. Sometimes you think you have moved but when u break things apart and analyse them carefully, you realise that you probably haven't changed much. Probably you have developed something a little different but overall, not much has changed. You are still in your comfort zone, not wanting to change much because of fears. Taking a little step at one time and when a little something happen the opposite way, you panic and take a huge step back. We are fearful of regrets, fearful of making mistakes, Fearful of having to start all over again. FEAR is the thing that prevent us from changing.

Back to what I said early about me standing at the crossroads. I need someone to tell me what to do. I need advices. I need words of assurance. I need support. I need to know what I need to do. HELP!

I'm going to my hairdresser this weekend. Can somebody tell me what hairstyle would suit me? *headache*

2005 - in HK

2006 - Melbourne

2007 - Beijing

2008 - Melbourne

Can you spot any dramatic difference in my hairstyle?

I bet that some of you wouldn't even notice the changes in the length and colour of my hair!


Anonymous said...

cheh! u make it sounds like u want to change job or career path! diu~

really can't spot the difference among those few photos boh! u need a drastic change! get botak!! like u said, don't let FEAR conquer u! just do it! n u'll be the outstanding one! life will turn into a new page!

Anonymous said...

Changing hairstyle is major life decision oh... haha..

going bold is not a good idea for me. my skull not round and smooth enough ;p

Anonymous said...

waliao LJ, u no more image liao..what D*u...tsk tsk tsk...can see jenn got a little difference but not obvious la...mayb u can cut ur fringe short like me, like to make it thicker..i can intro u my hairdresser here if u want...he mayb able to transform abt wavy hair? then no need to worry abt straight or abt me? my hair got change?

Tracy said...

Jenn, i can notice the a little bit change of the color and the length of your hair. Think of doing a makeover to change your hair style totally.. hehe... bet that you not dare to do that...may be add a bit color .. and have some fringe..

Anonymous said...

Guess what? i haven't gone to a hair dresser yet.

Will wavy hair make me look old? Right now, i still get asked if I'm studying in Uni ;p

I'll defintely cut my fringe. Have been wanting to do that but hehe, procastination is my middle name ;(