Saturday, October 25, 2008


We felt like a pro in the virtual bowling Wii game and decided to showcase our invincible skills in the real bowling games. So on Thurs night, we went bowling at Riverside.

I got a strike on my 1st try of game 1. How good was that! But Life works in a strange way in that the good and bad always even out like how ying and yang works and how balance sheets always balance. Okie.. in plain text, something bad usually follows after a good thing. I pulled my BUTT muscle for that score, just three seconds after the game started! T_T

Because of the pain in my butt and thigh, I now walk like a goose. And climbing staircase has never been more challenging! People suggested that i go get myself a massage which would cost me $40.

It's not the money that bothers me but the whole situations. First, I paid to bowl, then got myself injured and now, I have to pay someone to massage my butt? Hmmm... One of the little ironies of Life.....

As for the bowling game, we concluded that it's better that we stick to Wii. We really suck in real life. What's more, the worst that can happen in a Wii game is having a few swollen fingers, a swore arm and broken voices for excessive pressing of the controller, arm moving and screaming. Wait, that doesn't sound very appealing either huh....

Hmmm... I better stick to something less physical... like eating.... ^^

1 comment:

Jane Jane said...

poor u....i think it's a sign of old age...u need more exercise...:p